Friday, September 14, 2012

Ask Elnora--About Multi-tasking?? Lenora Worth

Elnora only has two hands. I'm counting them both right now. So how is it possible that I'm juggling so many plates in the air? Oops, just about dropped one. It was a lovely old china plate, too. Let me review my week. Started out in Florida, trying to finish one book and trying to do revisions for another. While the dolphins played in the bay, I sat in my office, looking out the window to the front where the view is a street and the townhouses behind ours. This is not as fun as watching the dolphins playing in the bay. But I soldiered on and fixed the weak spots in the revision book then wrote a chapter for the book that's due like NOW!! (October 1)My bad back protested a lot, so I did take breaks which required me to go downstairs in search of coffee and chocolate and to glimpse longingly at that beautiful bay. Especially since the weather had turned nice and it was actually rather pleasant outside.
But back upstair and work for me. Then neither my flash-drive nor my external hard drive would work since my laptop was protesting and didn't want to acknowledge them. Arrgh. Sent a copy of the revised book to myself and my editor, so I wouldn't lose the whole thing. Which would have made Elnora jump in the bay!!! Then Big Daddy got that fixed and we soldiered on. Wednesday, packed up for the eight hour drive back to Louisiana. Today, did my Love Inspired Authors blog (which I forgot in all the excitement), worked on an upcoming RT ad (which is going to be so cool!)worked on a plot point that I figured out on the revision book at three a.m. this morning when my eyes opened and I suddenly realized I needed to tweak the ending a bit. Sent that FINAL copy to my editor. Finished the next chapter on the book that's due like NOW! Worked on another project that has a local flavor, worked some more on the RT ad. Stumbled downstairs and fell into my easy chair and begged Big Daddy to find me some food. He ordered pizza. Collapsed and watched back-to-back episodes of "Army Wives." Came upstairs to write this blog! And there is more to be done, of course. So that got me thinking about all the things writers do besides write. Let's discuss. How many plates are you juggling? Or do you toss balls in the air? Or do you throw ideas against the wall to see if they'll stick? Do you have a long row to hoe? Too many irons in the fire? Bigger fish to fry? Can you think of any cliches I've missed??? Let's discuss the busyness of life!


  1. My life right now is chaotic with the ups and downs of my mother-in-law's health. My creative juices are low and my writing is slow. Just when we think things are getting better, something new happens with her health. So I have come to the conclusion that I'm not much of a juggler. Too many balls in the air, and they all fall down.

  2. Well, living in this Generational Living Experiment of ours, everyday is a toss up. With all that goes on around here, it's hard to keep juggling those plates in the air. Some days I keep them moving, but somedays I drop a few. I think we authors have to multi-task to get anything done. but sometimes a favorte plate does break. :(
    Good post, Lenora!

  3. Merrillee, that is one of the hardest things to deal with--a loved one who needs your constant attention. We do it willingly, but the stress can be overwhelming. All of our parents have passed away, but I do remember those times. You have my prayers. You are juggling a lot more than just plates!

  4. Janet, I've seen your Generational Living Experiment and I do admire that you and Dan and your family chose to all live together in your lovely home. But yes, I can only imagine the interruptions! I can get so lost in writing, I forget everything around me. In Florida, I've learned to drown out the sound of hammering and saws grinding--most of the time! We do have specific problems, working at home as we do. It took me a while to readjust myself and my schedule after Big Daddy retired :))

  5. I found you from good reads and I am glad I did. I love to read and do book reviews too. I will have to put your books on my TBR books and thanks for connecting on goodreads as a friend. Jackie Paulson

  6. Jackie, thanks so much. I have to admit, Goodreads intimates me! I don't post much on there but I did my first giveaway a few weeks ago and had a nice response. I'm going to try to visit more after I get some of these deadlines out of the way. It's an amazing source for readers and writers!

  7. have to say right now life is hard, its moment by moment. there are good times and bad times.

    Merrillee I really do feel for you I know what its like to have an ailing parent.

  8. AusJenny, you know we love you and we are sending prayers!! You have had a tough year. You hang in there and keep us posted. :)

  9. Lenora, Merrillee, Janet & Jenny, I hope things ease for you all soon! And of course I'll add my name to that list, as well ;) Some weeks just leave a person saying, whew! :)

  10. Thanks Lenora and Eva. its been a hard 11 weeks. (thats how long its been since I landed in hospital. in some ways it seems so much longer.
    I planted some gerbers today and they are so pretty.
    Also updated my blog with how I am feeling.
    today I feel detached in many ways. but am working on my trip next May so that helps. Wont be in Dallas more than 3 hours now but will be in Atlanta.

  11. Whew! Chaos is just a part of my life right now. So much juggling with work and little ones and writing and...well, you get it!

  12. AusJenny, glad you are feeling better. Hope when you come through you get to see some of us. Take care and keep planting flowers.

  13. Eva Marie, it gets crazy but we love our work. My heart goes out to hardworking women everywhere. I'm sure others have a lot more to juggle than I do. And some of them are probably NOT loving it!

  14. Amy, it is hard when you have little ones. Definitely hard to find extra hours. Eva Maria, sorry I spelled your name wrong. Fingers weren't connected to my brain!!

  15. I think you touched on it, Lenora - no matter what we have to count our blessings :)

  16. That's right. No matter how busy I am, I'm always thankful. And it's good to talk to others who feel the same way. "Civilians" don't get writers sometimes.

  17. Lenora,
    I'm a day late...due to revisions. So good to read your blog and everyone's comments. Sending hugs and prayers of support to Merrillee and Jenny! I've been there and know how hard it is with aging parents.

    Too many irons in the fire these days for most writers, and everything has to get done...on deadline!

    Hope everyone can catch their breath over the weekend.

  18. Thanks, Debby. You are excused. I'm writing today to stay caught up! Hope to see you soon!


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