Monday, September 10, 2012

Back in the saddle....

Hi everyone!

What a beautiful morning this is!  Sunshine, fifty degrees, a touch of fog misting the low valley out in our pasture, which I can see from our deck.  I'm sitting here with my coffee and Cheerios, our two dogs at my feet begging for my toast, and I'm thinking about what a miracle the seasons are in the upper Midwest.  About the time one tires of the heat,  or the cold, there's a lovely change to enjoy.

 It was so hot this summer that I didn't ride our mares much at all. Now, with the cool weather, it's so much fun to get outside again and saddle up.  But after a long semi-vacation, they sure are rusty!  It has always seemed to me that horses--which aren't very high on the intelligence scale, or they'd never let us ride them in the first place--take a long time to learn what we want them to, but some of them forget the good stuff and learn the bad habits pretty fast.   Maybe it's the equine version of selective hearing.  :) 

It's funny, though...I  think I've gotten rusty over the summer, too.  We traveled some, we had several family weddings (including our daughter's, which was like a full-time job for the month of June!), and we had other things going on.  And because of it all, I ended up putting my writing on the back burner far too much and didn't get nearly enough done.  So I'm now trying to get back in the saddle in that regard, too.  And just like those mares, it's taking me a while to get back into the groove.

I'd love to hear about what you did over the summer!  What made those months memorable, meaningful or just plain fun? And if you've ever had trouble "getting back into your groove" with whatever you do, do you have suggestions for making that happen?

Blessings to you all!
Roxanne Rustand


  1. Well, I'm jealous, Roxanne. It was hotter than normal this year in Texas, and this morning is nice, but not a wonderful fifty degrees. And I would love to go riding, instead of working. But I can live through your pictures. Thanks for the break.

  2. It was that cool when I posted, but the temp is on its way up to 80 today. :) At least not the 100+ heat index we had this summer, though! And a perfect day for hay drying, We have just an acreage, and have our own hayfield. It was cut yesterday and smells so good on the cool breeze! I love the Midwest, but I love Texas too. Our son and his family lived there for about three years. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Roxanne, I am completely where you are trying to get into my new fall routine groove. New puppy and the beginning of another homeschooling year :)

  4. Living in northern WI, we didn't have as much hot weather as you, Roxanne.
    But yesterday I made peace with the change to fall. I might as well enjoy it and don't dare say the W word yet.
    But I love all 4 seasons here.

  5. Roxanne, I completely understand how life can take you away from writing. I'm still in that mode. I keep waiting for life to settle, but something new seems to pop up every time I turn around.

    I like hot weather, so I'm not looking forward to cool. :)

  6. I am never as productive over the summer with vacations to the beach, RWA Nationals and spending time with family.

    We've had a couple of cool mornings that have helped me settle into a writing routine.

    Although the lovely weather outdoors is calling my name...

  7. You've all made me feel a lot better...and less guilty. :)

    Knowing winter is not that far around the bend, I couldn't resist the beautiful day and spent the last couple hours with the horses. But now, onward to the computer and the synopsis I need to write!

  8. Hi Roxanne, beautiful days like you're having are so few that we must take advantage of them. It's cooled down considerably here and reminded me to get back on task. Note to self - try not to set deadlines for the summer months. In northern Michigan, like Lyn's Wisconsin, the W word comes quickly and lasts long.

  9. Summer ended much too soon and now I'm back in the classroom. Now that my son is seven, it's harder to write in the summers. I'd always reserved that time. Now, it's easier to write during the school year.


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