Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Colors!

Missy, here. Fall weather is finally coming to Georgia. It's actually been gorgeous but a bit cooler. The cool weather last week reminded me to get out my fall wreath. Although I love hot weather and never look forward to winter, I do like a bit of relief from the heat.

And I love the chance to start decorating for the holidays.

Speaking of! Last time I went to Cracker Barrel (for our readers who don't know what that is, it's a restaurant with a huge country store), they had out decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas! To me, that's a little over the top. :)

How's your weather looking? (For those in the way of the huge storm, we're praying for you!) Do you have much fall color? For you Aussie readers, are you feeling some spring weather?

visit missy at


  1. yes feeling spring. it was so wonderful today around 27ish which is around 85ish. I loved it so much.
    Here we have had Christmas stuff in the stores for about a month or more already here. Its like when I was in Hawaii last Jan and here easter stuff was out but in Hawaii it was Valentines day.

  2. Well, in Texas it went from 80 to 40 for a couple of days. End of the week it will be up at 80.

    But I will say to pray for those on the East Coast. The hurricane will not be as bad as predicted.

  3. Was in Cracker Barrell Saturday in the NC Mountains. All three holidays and tons of leaf lookers.

    I am glad we got to see what remained of the mountain color before it blew off this week!

    Peace, Julie

  4. Love your wreath, Missy!
    I can'twait for Saturday for a little sunshine! Nothing but rain here :) I think the storm will be here soon! Hope everyone is staying safe!

  5. Thanks, all of you for checking in. I've been watching news reports on the weather. We only had high winds today, but please be in prayer for a little boy who was hit by a falling branch and had to be life flighted to Atlanta.


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