Sunday, March 31, 2013


A Battle of Wills

New Orleans aristocrat Lucian Beaumont wants only to sell his estranged grandfather's property and escape the backwoods of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. But a stipulation in the will brings him head-to-head with a local beauty. Megan O'Malley and the town must have access to the house. For the first time in his life the commanding Lucian finds himself at an impasse.

Clearly the worldly gentleman doesn't fit in Megan's quaint Smoky Mountain town. But as she glimpses the man beneath the hardened veneer, she believes Lucian is here for a purpose. To heal his soul. And maybe, with Megan's help, to heal his heart.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

His Mountain Miss Interview with Lucian Beaumont

How exciting to have Lucian Beaumont, the hero from His Mountain Miss written by Karen Kirst, an April 2013 release from Love Inspired Romance .

Lucian, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
I suppose to these simple mountain folks, my French accent.  I’m from New Orleans, and my father and I converse only in French.  It’s not unusual for an odd word or two to slip into my conversation. Another thing is the formality of my clothing. The men here in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, are mostly farmers, so they don’t put a lot of emphasis on clothing.  I don’t think they’ve ever seen a cravat before.  Imagine. 

What do you do for fun?
This may sound strange, but I like to work with my hands.  Get dirty.  My life is dominated by social engagements, formal dinners and balls, so whenever I get a chance, I retreat to my country estate and work in the fields alongside my staff.

What do you put off doing because you dread it?
My beloved mother died a year ago, and I’ve avoided dealing with my loss.  I can’t seem to bring myself to grieve.

What are you afraid of most in life?
I’m afraid that if I give in to these terrible emotions-sorrow, disappointment, disillusionment-that I won’t survive.  So I bury it all, hoping I can ignore it.

What do you want out of life?
That’s not something I’m prepared to answer right now.  For a long time, I thought I wanted what was expected of me-to helm my family’s shipping empire and to marry for duty and social connections.  But this backwoods town-with its slower pace and down-to-earth, kind mountain folks-is growing on me, as is one particularly lovely young lady, Megan O’Malley. 

What is the most important thing to you?
Right now, surviving each day.  Not only am I dealing with my mother’s death, but a devastating betrayal and the long-held belief that my estranged grandfather wanted nothing to do with me.  My time here in Gatlinburg is revealing difficult truths about my family.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I could use an extra dose of courage right about now.

Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
My horse, D’Artagnan, named after a character in The Three Musketeers.  I was   impressed that Megan immediately recognized the name.  Of course, she’s a book lover like me, so I shouldn’t be surprised. 


Friday, March 29, 2013

Ask Elnora--It's Good Friday--Lenora Worth

Hello my friends. Today is Good Friday. So I thought it might be a good day to share what is good in our lives. I'll go first.

I'm blessed. I love my job. I love my family. I love my life.
I love Jesus Christ and believe in the power of His resurrection.
I'm not a "together" person. I fail on a daily basis. But because of The Love of Christ, I can strive to do better, be better and love more.  I can ask for forgiveness and I can forgive. This is the good that came out of Christ dying on the cross for my sins.

What is good in your life today? Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Movie News for Debra Clopton's Book, OPERATION MARRIED BY CHRISTMAS staring LeAnn Rimes

Hi Everyone! Debra Clopton here waving excitedly. It seems like its been forever since I blogged and I have some news that I believe will make readers of my Mule Hollow Series with Love Inspired happy! One of the number one questions I get is how wonderful it would be to see Mule Hollow come to life in a movie--well thanks to some wonderful really cool folks~~ OPERATION: MARRIED BY CHRISTMAS may very well do just that! I found out recently that it has been optioned by VAST Entertainment for an ABC Family movie starring LeAnn Rimes!

Vast Entertainment is excited about it as are all those involved. The wonderful reality is that it has been: Optioned by Vast. Picked up by Orly Adelson. Distributed through ABC. And the lead is Lead: LeAnn Rimes.

So--stay tuned and if you are interested in being in a drawing this month to win a copy of the book go to my website and leave a comment beneath my post. For a second chance to win a copy leave a comment here on this blog post! I've had a lot of comments about the movie and the number one misconception is that I'm in charge :) not so. Actually, I'm just sitting back in awe that they chose my book for this honor. I can't wait to see who plays all of the roles. It will be fun to see who they come up with for the other fun quirky characters from Mule Hollow--got any thoughts of who could play them :)

Also, excited for my new release of Book 1 of my new series Cowboys of Sunrise Ranch RT Magazine gave it 41/2 stars!!! I hope you'll all be excited to meet my new cast of characters from Dew Drop, Texas I've worked hard to give my readers the fun, homey feeling they loved from Mule Hollow but with a little twist :) check it out

Have a great Thursday!!! Summer is almost here down in Texas :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Where do Story Ideas Come From?

Mati Hari

Patty here, and I’m knee-deep in rewrites for my next Love Inspired Historical coming out next year. This is my third World War II book based around the Bell Bomber Plant in Marietta, Georgia. I’m always excited to share a new story, but the history behind this one truly amazed even a WWII fanatic like me.

If you’re familiar with the time period, one of the biggest concerns of the government was the possibility of German spies infiltrating the defense plants around the country and passing on information to the forces back in Berlin. So I was very surprised--and terribly interested when a lovely older lady stayed behind after one of my 
book signings to share her story of being one of the few female homeland spies. She was forced to make hard choices about the people she knew, reporting suspicious activities even on the ones  she loved.

Her service during the war so captivated me, I was convinced that boarding house owner Merrilee Davenport (who made an appearance in Hearts in Flight and Hearts in Hiding) would make a perfect homeland spy! But can she investigate the people she loves most in the world, including her former husband, John Davenport?

And my mother is always asking me where I come up with the stuff for my books.  God(and history) provides enough fodder for a lifetime!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Holy Crown

Terri Reed here just back from a trip abroad.   I started in the UK where my daughter is studying at a university in Richmond Upon Thames.  From there we traveled by Eurostar to Paris France.   We stayed in Paris for three nights and saw only a fraction of the city.  And what a beautiful city it is!
One place that I had to see was Notre Dame Cathedral.  I fell in love with the vast beauty of the architecture as well as the awe inspiring glass windows.  I felt a sense of wonder as I walked through the church.
Because it was Lent and Friday they held the Veneration of the Holy Crown.   We arrived at the end of the ceremony.  As the priest procession carried the artifacts back to their resting place, I was within arms length of the Holy Crown.  It was such a surreal experience, one I will never forget. I will be forever humbled by His sacrifice and love.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Holy Week by Merrillee Whren

This week is a special week for Christians across the world as we lead up to the most glorious celebration of our faith--the resurrection of Jesus our Lord. Yesterday was Palm Sunday, a day we remember the triumphal entry that Jesus made into Jerusalem the week before He was crucified for us. Below is a photo of children carrying palm branches as they prepare to sing. In the following photos they are singing praises to God in the way that only children do. No wonder Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

 What special things do you do to celebrate Holy Week?

Sunday, March 24, 2013


A Heart Unconquered

Widowed Saxon Lady Ediva Dunmow will do anything to protect her people—even marry one of the invading Norman knights. The king sees it as a way to keep Ediva, her lands and her tenants subdued. But Ediva's embittered heart, still healing from the abuse of her first husband, will not yield so easily.

Marriage never held any appeal for Adrien de Ries. Yet it is his king's will, and perhaps his Lord's, too—though he finds his faith tested daily by Ediva's staunch refusal to trust him. As a knight, Adrien survived many battles, but the fight to win Ediva's heart may be his most challenging—and rewarding.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Meet Ediva Dunmow

Howdy, Barbara Phinney.  I  hear you've written a heroine who's had quite the adventure.  We're all looking forward to meeting her.   What's her name?

My name is Ediva Dunmow and I would not call my life and adventure. I was a widow, because the battle at Hastings and good riddance to my husband, who was killed there! I apologize if that sounds harsh, but he was a brutal man. And I won't miss him one bit! But suddenly, one day, some of King William's men dragged me off to London and forced me to marry yet another knight, or forfeit my lands. If you want to call that adventure, go ahead, but I call that fear. Terrible fear.

During the book you met Adrien de Ries. Tell us a bit about him. What was your first impression? When did you know it was love?

The first time I looked upon Adrien was in front of King William. He was as shocked as I was that we were to be married immediately. Oddly, at the ceremony, I felt a certain gentleness about him. Oh no, I wasn't going to trust him one bit. But I knew strangely that my life would never be the same. And love? Oh, it's an elusive thing. It sneaks up on you until it's right there at the worst possible moment. Oh, why couldn't Adrien have been as cruel as my first husband? T'would have been so easy to hate him. But he looked at me with respect and gentleness and told me how much God loved me. Began to know that I was falling for my husband.

What strengths/skills do you have? What is your greatest weakness?

I have trained all my life to be the mistress of the keep. 'Twas what I was meant to be. I am skilled at languages and my numbers. I can organize men and help with births. I am a champion of the women in my village. But alas, Adrien has shown me my greatest weakness. I cannot take care of myself properly. And I cannot tuck my heart away where it won't be hurt. And, I hate to say, my greatest weakness is not forgiving my Lord for what He put me through.

What scares you?

'Tis easy to tell you that. Falling in love with my husband is my greatest fear. He is determined to be a soldier in King William's army. Will I lose yet another husband?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I think I would want to let go of my mistrust in my God. I do not know what he has in store for me. And so far it has been so horrible. If I could trust as a babe trusts!

Where are you in your faith at the start of your story?

At the start of this adventure as you so aptly put it, where was my faith? Shattered and destroyed and trampled on, that's where it was. I would rarely go to Chapel, and when I did it was by obligation. My keep's chaplain, did nothing to help me. I could only rely on myself. That was where my faith was.

Where are you in your faith at the end of the story?

Adrien has shown me so much about God's love. And it snuck up on me like my love for Adrien snuck up on me and slipped itself into my heart. 'Twas not a great deliverance from heaven, my newfound faith in God, as Paul experienced. Nay, 'twas a quiet little thing that wormed its way into my heart.

You’ve got a scripture at the beginning of the story. Tell us why this scripture is significant.

1 John 4:8 states, whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. That is so significant for me! For I could not love until I learned to love God. I learned that God loved me. It was such a comfort to know that, yes. God did love me!

If you could be a dessert what would you be and why?

Dessert? We're a poor keep, and don't waste our resources on frivolous food, but I must say my cook can make pastries, glistening with honey and filled with nuts and fruit and sweet cheese. My mouth waters. With such a delight!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Ask Elnora--About Staying On Track--Lenora Worth

I am late in arriving. I missed the connection, lost my way, planned ahead and still got behind. Do you ever get off track? Does it seem at times that if you drop one plate, they all come crashing down?

Oh, so you've been dropping those spinning plates, too? Elnora was wondering at three this morning when it hit me that I had not scheduled my post, why do women try to keep those plates spinning? Is it because we have to be polite, no matter how our brains are screaming stop that? Is it because we want to be all things to all people and we are so very afraid of failure?

I try to stay on track by making lists--love lists--setting my own personal deadlines and sending out a prayer for calm and control. But I manage to have a few hissy fits along the way. Keep calm and keep writing is our motto, I'm thinking. Our writing has to be a priority, but life has to keep moving, too.
We don't want writing to become our life, so we try to balance. How do you do this?

And as always, how can we apply these feelings of being inadequate to our characters, especially our heroines. They seem like superwomen at times, but they still need to show a bit of vulnerability and doubt to make them human. How do we balance this in life and how do we balance this in our stories? Let's discuss while Elnora gets that second cup of coffee and picks up some broken plates!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Recipe - Authentic Alaskan Blueberry Cake

I like to start off every new year with a goal—something fun I’d like to accomplish during the course of the year. Last year, my goal was to learn how to knit. Yep, everyone got scarves for Christmas.

 Back in 2011, I had a simpler—albeit calorie-laden—aspiration. My goal was to make 50 new desserts from scratch. I succeeded. Out of all the new recipes I tried, my absolute favorite was one given to me by a fellow volunteer at the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in Alaska.

Since my first three books for Love Inspired all take place in Alaska, most readers assume that’s where I live. I don’t. I’m a Texas girl. For the past three years, I’ve traveled to Alaska to volunteer with sled dogs at the race. From the first time I flew over Alaska and saw the Northern Lights from the airplane window, I fell in love with the place! Whenever I miss Alaska, the dogs, the snow, and the wonderful Alaskan people, I like to make my favorite dessert.  

So I’d love to share this recipe with all my readers out there! Bon Appetit, Alaskan style!


3/4 cup butter

2  1/4 tsp. baking powder

1  1/2 cup sugar

3/8 tsp. salt

3 eggs, separated

1/2 cup milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla

2   1/4 cup wild blueberries

2 1/4 cups of sifted cake flour

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

Add well-beaten egg yolks and vanilla.

Sift dry ingredients together and add alternately with the milk to cream mixture beating well after each addition.

Beat egg whites until frothy and fold into the batter.

Pour half of the batter into a 9x13 greased pan. Cover with the flour-dusted blueberries, then add remaining batter.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for almost 1 hour or until golden brown. Sprinkle with powder sugar. Serve hot.
Coming in May - ALASKAN HERO!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Heroine Interview from Scorned Justice by Margaret Daley

Interview with the heroine from Scorned Justice by Margaret Daley:

1.  Rebecca Morgan, tell me the most interesting thing about you.
I used to do trick riding in high school. I haven't done it in years, but I still love to ride every time I go to the ranch to visit.

2.  What do you do for fun?
I love seeing my two nieces and visiting my brother at the ranch. I often will spend the weekend with them--ride, play games.

3.  What do you put off doing because you dread it?
Cleaning house--but eventually I'll get around to it. Then it has to be done all over again. A never-ending chore.

4.  What are you afraid of most in life?
Losing another love one like I did with my husband who died in the line of duty.

5.  What do you want out of life?
To make a difference and wise decisions as a judge.

6.  What is the most important thing to you?
God and my family.

7.  Do you read? If so, what is your favorite type of book to read?
I love to read but it is usually law journals and sometimes other non-fiction books. Occasionally I'll pick up a romance as something totally different to read.

8.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
That I could be more organized.

9.  Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?
I have a horse I keep at the family ranch.

10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
To the signing of the Declaration of Independence because that was the beginning of our system of government where the judicial branch is equally as important as the legislative and executive branches.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Loving My New Cover!

Loving the Love Inspired Covers
Missy Tippens

Missy, here. I'm loving the cover of my new book! The Love Inspired art department does such a good job. This time, they did the cover exactly like I described it.

I described my hero and heroine (sent them photos of how I pictured the characters). Also sent photos of how I pictured the yard and the picnic table. Talked about tulips being nearby. Told them about what happens in this scene, although I don't want to give you any spoilers! Let's just say this is a BIG scene. :)

What do you think of the cover? What's on your favorite LI covers?

Oh! The book is now available on the Harlequin website!! Click here to read an excerpt.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ask Elnora--About New Ideas--Third Friday Writing

Yes, it's that time of the month. Third Friday Writing Day. What shall we discuss today? How about new ideas for plots? Where do they come from? How do we get them? Are there really only so many plots in the world or is everything old new again? How do we make our plots seem new and fresh???

First, Elnora hasn't a clue. I usually look out the window for a few hours then get a scene in my head then someone in that scene starts talking in my head and then I decided "Hey, I'd better write this stuff down or I'll forget it." Then I play with that idea, eat a lot of chocolate, shop online for inspiration and maybe, just maybe come up with a plot.

But my favorite way to figure out a plot (besides the Seven Deadly Sins thing I mentioned a few weeks ago) is to read a newspaper article, then find another article to match to it. By taking these two different subjects and using some of the aspects from them, I can usually come up with a plot. For example, I have a book out in September that is about art theft. I saw an article about this in the Sunday paper. Then I wanted to set this story in New Orleans. I had an American princess in mind to be the heroine. She had been mentioned in The Diamond Secret (which was out in 2012). Then I found an article about a photojournalist and how he combined pictures with essays to write stories. I wanted to have someone such as that for my hero. So "In Pursuit of a  Princess" was born in Elnora's tiny mind. And now, it will be a real book--out later this year! No cover yet, but I hope to have one to show off soon.

But I did find this picture to use as a writing prompt. Sunset on a beach? What could happen there? What could go wrong? Are we drifting at sea? What about those two tall buildings?

Let's discuss how we come up with new twists for old plots. What would you do? How do you decide what stories to write?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Leigh Bale Talks About Time with her Mom

Howdy from Nevada!  By day, I work at an institution of higher education and we’re about to embark on our Spring Break.  While I’ve got a little extra time off from my day job, I’m going to get my hair and nails done with my mom and go out to lunch.  We love doing these girly things together.  We visit about nothing and everything and just enjoy one another’s company.  I hope sharing times like this will sustain us years later, when one of us isn’t around to just pick up the phone and call and talk for awhile.  Sometimes, my dad makes us tuna fish sandwiches.  We call it Tuna Tuesday.  He makes the sandwiches with Mom’s home bottled relish and they are SO delicious.  How about you?  Do you share some fun moments with special family and friends in your life?  What do you do together?

In the meantime, stay warm.  Especially you Easterners who are getting snowstorm upon snowstorm without reprieve.  We’ve had that kind of weather here in Nevada before and you have my sympathy.  J


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lyn Cote Reviews Valerie Hansen's Award-Winning Nightwatch & Book Giveaway

NightwatchNightwatch by Valerie Hansen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nightwatch is not my first Valerie Hansen romance, nor my last!

I decided to read it since Nightwatch won the coveted American Christian Fiction Writers' CAROL Award in 2012.

Nightwatch is still available used and in ebook form. I think the story had the right amount of suspense to keep the plot moving along at a fast clip and the hero and heroine, a firefighter Mitch and a foster mom Jill respectively, were warm and believable characters.

The plot hinges on the mysterious fiery death of the parents of three children and then the kidnapping of the youngest, a little girl. Why were the parents killed and why was the little girl snatched from the crib at Jill's? Who wants what?

The story also portrays CASA, which means Court Appointed Special Advocate, volunteers who help children in difficult court situations. Altogether it was a well done, fast and heart-felt read. Highly recommended.

View all my reviews

BTW, if you'd like to win, my slightly read copy of Nightwatch, please mention the author or title or a few sentences about any Love Inspired SUSPENSE, you've read and enjoyed. Any one will do! --Lyn

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ask Elnora--About Free Time??--Lenora Worth

Hello, my little loafers. Elnora is between books. This is a good time to clean out the clutter and get things set up for my next project. Only I didn't do that. Instead I was out of the house most of the week, hanging out with Big Daddy. We had fun, bought some things we'd had on our list, and did some handyman work for a friend. Well, Big Daddy did the work. I mostly held the nails and handed him the tools. And sat in my lawn chair and made notes for my next book.

This goofing off on purpose got me to thinking-- what do you like to do when you have absolutely nothing to do? Do you find something to do? Or do you try to do nothing? Is loafing sometimes a good thing? Does rest help us to be better at our jobs? Or does doing nothing drive you nuts ?? Elnora is somewhere in the middle. I like to rest , but I also like to get back to work. Let's discuss. What would you do if you had nothing to do??

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Part Deux -by Leann Harris

I want to give a shout out to our Canadian neighbors.

Why?  I am writing a book set in Amsterdam during WWII.  As I have learned the history is it a wrenching story.  When D-Day happened, the Dutch were eager for Liberation.  They'd been occupied for 4 long years.  The 1st Canadian Army and the 2nd British Army moved into southern Holland.  Operation Market Garden was to capture the bridges so the armies could cross.  The operation failed and the Nazis remained in control.  It was a terrible winter for the Dutch since they rose up to help the Allies.  When it failed, the German cut off food and fuel to the country.  Many of the citizens starved, burned all the furniture in their houses for warmth.  Ate tulip bulbs.  But in early February the Canadians tried again and were successful.  They push on north into the country and on May 5, 1945 the Germans surrendered.

To this day, Dutch children are taught about how the Canadians freed their country and they go out to the cemetery where these brave soldiers are buried and plant flowers and care for the graves.  Canadian soldiers are loved and revered.  And that's why I salute the Canadian soldiers.

A little P.S.  The battle of the Alamo stared on this day, 3/6/1836--
 177 years ago.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Winter Conference Can Work Wonders

I spent this past weekend at NOLA Stars Conference—and came home more than ready to get back to writing my new proposal. There is something about a conference that can get a writers imagination going even in the midst of winter, after two back to back moves. I am so glad I was able to make it.  

I was able to hear our very own Elnora speak on those Seven Deadly Sins. She was one of the speakers on Friday and her workshop gave me lots of conflict ideas for my proposal. And all day the next day there were workshops that helped me see where I was going with it.  It was such a joy to have those ideas firming up over the weekend.

If you have a chance to go to a conference mid-winter, I'd say go.  It always helps to be able to spend time with other authors, and writing professionals.  And I've never been to a conference yet where I didn't learn a lot—either a reminder of what I'd forgotten I used to do, or something I just hadn't thought about. They are always worth going to.

The NOLA conference is just the right size for a weekend conference. Not to little, not too big.  And lots of fun! So the next time you have a chance to go to a conference this time of year think about going. You might find it will energize your writing in ways you'd never thought of.  Many thanks to the NOLA Stars for putting on a great conference!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Struggles and trials and frustrations, oh my!

Hi everyone, Lynette Eason here. Yesterday I was working on my newsletter. And lost the first draft after it was almost completely done. What??? Needless to say I was a little frustrated. However, once I calmed down, I decided to try to find the spiritual application there. I'll let you know if I find it. LOL. 

But seriously, sometimes things just go wrong. Sometimes life just throws us frustrations. I think God allows these things to happen to teach us how to respond to certain things. Now I realize losing a newsletter that I'd put several hours of work into doesn't compare to some things, but what if I respond with, "Okay, I'm not happy about this, but maybe there's some way to make this better?" I mean, it sure beats moaning and groaning about  the loss and pouting that I have to do the work over again, right? Maybe.

My fourteen year old daughter also recently learned a little about this when she fell off her horse a week and a half ago. She jumps horses on a regular basis and after nine years of riding has only fallen once before. This time her fall was a doozy. She sprained her back and couldn't hardly move for days. Pain medication gave her only partial relief. In the midst of her pain, she asked me, "Why did God let this happen?"

Of course I have no idea why He let it happen, but I asked her if she could learn something from it.

With no little sarcasm, she responded, "You mean other than the fact that I should have held on tighter?"

"Um...yes. Other than that."

She said something to the effect of, "Maybe it's so I'll slow down and make sure I'm keeping my focus on God."


In all of this, though, James 1:2 comes to mind: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds..." 

This is a hard one for me. I don't like trials. I don't like struggles. I especially don't like to see my child suffer. But when I--or my daughter-- come out stronger on the other side with the evidence that God is working in my life--and hers--, well, I have to admit, I like that part.

The same is true with writing. Before publication, we struggle, we moan and groan through the rejections. We cry out, "When is my time going to line up with your time, God?" And we press on, doing our best to learn through the frustrations. After publication, we struggle with deadlines, doing our best to make sure the writing doesn't take over so we neglect our family, our own needs--God. Through all of that, we must make sure not to take our focus off the one who will deliver us--one way or another.

I pray that if you are facing trials or frustration, struggles and hard times, that God will touch your heart, that he will wrap his arms around you to give you comfort and bless the socks off of you right there in the midst of your trouble.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Texas Independence by Leann Harris

Sunday morning over breakfast and before we went to church I asked my husband, a native Texan, what was special about the day before.  He looked up at me and said, Texas Independence Day.

Okay, he got that right.  "And when did that happened?" I asked.

He thought and said, "March 2, 1836."  Well so much for trying to fool the native.

Not being a native Texan, I didn't study it in school,  but Saturday when I read an article by Brooke Rollins of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, I was in awe of what those men and women did.

The Texians didn't have a lot of success in fighting Santa Anna and the Texians were of all nationalities and backgrounds.  And these men and woman fought against the odds.  The day they declared Independence in a little cabin on the Brazos River, their army lost at Agua Dulce.  On March 8, they lost at the Alamo.  They lost at Coleto (17days later), Copano (19 days later), Goliad (25 days later.)

Now anyone with good sense would've given up, especially after the massacre at Goliad.  There were arguments and doubts, but fifty days later, on April 21st, 1836, Texas won at San Jacinto.

That was the final victory.  Their determination is astounding.
I am touched and humbled by people with such determination.
Happy Independence Day, Texas.  You're 177 years old.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Featured Book:The Cowboy Target


For years after the suspicious death of his wife, single dad Wyatt Monroe isolates himself on his Wyoming ranch…until he's accused of murder. With a body at his doorstep, he's arrested and Wyatt has only one hope—a blue-eyed, blonde bodyguard. But it'll take more than skill for work-obsessed Jackie Blain to save her reluctant client, who just wants to be left alone. She'll have to gain his trust by keeping him and his daughter safe. With their lives in her hands, Jackie is faced with her toughest assignment ever—saving the cowboy and guarding her heart.

Protection Specialists: Guarding the innocent

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Cowboy Target Interview

Today we're welcoming Wyatt Monroe the hero of The Cowboy Target, a Protection Specialists book written by Terri Reed, a March release by Love Inspired Suspense

Wow, you've just had quite an adventure.   
1.    Tell us a little about yourself and how you came to be in the midst of such suspense.  I woke up and found a dead man on my porch.  When the police came to investigate, I quickly realized someone was trying to frame me for murder.

2.    So, during the book you met Jackie Blain.  Tell us a bit about her.  What was your first impression?  When did you know it was love?    Wow, Jackie is a petite, feisty and wonderful lady.  The first time I saw her she was going toe to toe with my step-father, the sheriff of our town.  I though she was gusty and pretty, but sure didn’t want her thinking she could tell me what to do.  I have to say she soon had me wrapped around her little finger.  I’m not quite sure when I fell in love with her, but when I did, I fell hard.

3.    What strengths/skills do you have?  What is your greatest weakness?  My strengths are loyalty and honor.  My greatest weakness is thinking I can handle life on my own.
4.    What scares you? Scares me?  Well, the thought of anything happening to my baby girl, Gabby, strikes terror into my heart.
5.    If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?  Well, now I’m sure my mom would say my stubbornness.  It has gotten me in to my fair share of trouble.

6.    Where are you in your faith at the start of your story?  My faith is on shaky ground.

7.    Where are you in your faith at the end of the story? I’ve come to realize God is in control and that my life, heart and family are safe in His care.

8.    You've got a scripture at the beginning of the story.  Tell us why this scripture is significant. For me this scripture captures the nature how we are to be.  We have to set aside our notions of what faith is and the hurts that have chipped away at our hearts, and believe the way a child does, with abundance and honesty.   

9.    If you could be a dessert what would you be and why?  Hmmm, I’d be the sweetest, creamiest piece of chocolate you can find because Jackie has a sweet tooth and a weakness for chocolate.

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