Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Over Committed?

Terri Reed here wondering if your spring flowers are starting to blossom?
Every spring I tell myself I'm going to plant flowers. I've tried planting seeds without much success. So now I replant already blooming flowers and plants. I have this space in front of my house  where the plants that we'd planted when we moved into this house had also become overgrown and unsightly. So we stripped the area.

Sometimes are lives are like that, they become overgrown with stuff--some good and some not so good.  I've been feeling lately like I need to strip back some of the not so good and even some of the good from my life. My husband says I say "yes" too often and volunteer too much. Then I find myself in a crunch for time and energy to do all the things on my schedule. 

I'm sure there is some psychological issues that compel me to volunteer and say yes. It makes me feel good to contribute and to serve. But at a cost. My goal for the rest of this year and the coming years is to be more judicious about how I spend my time and energy.  

Do you find yourself over committing or am I the only one?

On the writing front I recently received my author copies of my July Love Inspired Suspense novel. 

Under other circumstances, FBI agent Samantha Bennett might welcome a bit of backup—but not from an overprotective Mountie. She's been on the trail of a serial killer for six months and no one has ever taken the case seriously…until now. When Royal Canadian Mounted Police inspector Drew Kelley saves her life, he decides that the hunt for "Birdman" is his problem, too. Together they begin a cross-continent chase to stop the madman before he strikes again. However, Samantha fears her growing feelings for the lawman may weaken her focus, or worse—put Drew directly in the killer's sights… 
Northern Border Patrol: Keeping the U.S.–Canadian border safe


  1. Hi Terri, I can so relate! This winter I read Lysa Terkeurst's The Best Yes and am currently reading Susie Larson's Your Sacred Yes, both about our tendency to overcommit. In my case, I need to slow down enough to ask God before saying yes to a new commitment. Great post and lovely new garden. Congrats on your new book too!

  2. Oh my, don't even mention the word over-commit to my husband. He gives me the look. Surely you guys have seen the look, too....

    Your cover is awesome.

  3. I'm with you, Terri. It's far too easy for me to say "yes." I enjoy helping others, but there are limits to what I can do. A few months ago I had to say "no" to several projects I really enjoyed. They were good things, but there were too many of them on my plate. The resulting stress robbed me of the joy of participating. Cutting back was tough, but it was the right decision.

  4. Christine, I'll have to check out those books. Thank you for mentioning them.
    Pam, yes, I've seen that look! LOL
    Keli, saying no is sooo hard. Its good you could do that. I tell myself I'm going to say no or I'm not going to raise my hand to volunteer but then I go ahead and do just that.
    But my body is starting to tell me I need to not do so much.

    Thank you ladies on the compliments for the cover. I like it a lot.

  5. I think I've finally learned how to say no. :) It's painful! LOL

    I love your garden!

  6. Put me in the over-commit column. And good for you Missy!

  7. I've learned to say yes to the things that truly bring me joy and where I can use my gifts. I used to raise my hand for everything and often found myself in projects or positions for which I wasn't a good fit. Great topic, Terri, and I love the cover!

  8. Ah, mulch, a gardener's best friend. :) Wanna come do my garden? Oh, right, you're practicing saying "no". Shucks. ;)

  9. Oh, I am definitely over-committed! I think, for me, the problem is having school-age children involved in lots of activities. Every time they need a volunteer, I say yes. After all, I want to give back. And when other parents are too busy, I sometimes feel obligated. I'm definitely looking at winding down, and I've been saying no to a lot of things. So hoping it frees up space. :)

  10. Yes, good for you Missy!! What's the secret to saying no?

    Jean we're in good company apparently . LOL

    Sandra, I'll pick the flowers but you can plant them. LOL

    Danica, that's how I've been for years. Plus I wanted to be there at all the things my kids were doing. Now my youngest is graduating from high school so right there that frees up so much time.


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