Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My Summer Vacation(s)

Hi everyone - Winnie Griggs here.  July was a crazy busy month for me, but in a good way.  At the beginning of the month we took a six day family vacation to Hawaii.  It was my first time there but I hope it's not my last!  The scenery was breathtaking, the beaches were beautiful and the food was wonderful.  We visited Pearl Harbor, went to a luau, toured volcano formations, visited secluded waterfalls and saw amazing foliage.

One of my favorite things that we did though, was take a helicopter tour with the doors off.  It was so exhilarating and the views were fantastic.

After a week back at home I took off again, this time for New York with my three daughters.  I'd been there before but it was the girls first trip and we determined to fit as much into the three full days they'd be there as we could.  And I must say we made a pretty good run at it.

Once they headed home it was time for me to turn my focus to the Romance Writers of America annual conference, which had me spending another six and a half days in New York.

And there you have it - my busy, fun, exhausting, exhilarating July!  So how about you - did you have the opportunity to do much travelling this summer?  What is your favorite or dream destination?


  1. No traveling for us because we are so busy with camp during the summer. Hopefully this coming spring we'll be able to.

  2. Wow, what a whirlwind of traveling! Hawaii is lovely. Hubbie and I honeymooned there many years ago. And NYC is always fun! Love your photo collages, Winnie. No summer vacation this year. :( Hubbie said we weren't going anywhere because of his crazy, unpredictable work schedule. Looking at your photos made me wish we were headed somewhere fun. Thank you for sharing!

  3. It was so good to see you and visit with you in NYC, Winnie! I love you, but you know that. I enjoyed my road trip with Big D and I only had one minor mishap when I slammed my hand between the door and the wall. No ER trips! Glad you had some good times with your beautiful girls, too. I know you'll have wonderful memories. Love your pictures :)

  4. Hi Jennifer. Spring vacations are nice too - the more popular areas are much less crowded than they are in summer and the temperatures are more moderate.

  5. Hi Christine. There were many, many summers when we didn't do any sort of vacation either. But now that we are retired, hubby and I decided we'd try to do one really fun, nice trip every year.

  6. It was great seeing you too in New York Lenora. You know I haven't quite forgiven you yet for moving away :). And I see from the pictures you've been posting that you had a fun road trip yourself!

  7. Sounds like an awesome, awesome time. I want to go to Hawaii, but no helicopter for me. You brave soul :)

  8. Winnie, those pictures are really making me want to go to Hawaii. So beautiful. I'm not sure I'm brave enough for an open-door helicopter ride though!

    So good to see you in NYC.

    My summer vacation = Maine coast. Love me some rocky ocean cliffs next to smooth sand beaches.

  9. Hi Pam. Hawaii was definitely worth the trip. And I'm normally a big sissie (Can't get me on a roller coaster), but I was securely strapped into my seat on the helicopter and knew I couldn't fall out so I totally enjoyed myself.

  10. Hi Cate - enjoyed seeing you in NY as well. And I've never been to Maine - perhaps I should add that to my list of must see places.

  11. Your trips sound like fun. Late in May we went to visit our daughter in Baltimore and took a side trip to Virginia where we visited Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. I also went to NYC, but the only touristy think I did was go to a Broadway play with my daughter who came up from Baltimore. We took a three day trip to northern AZ to get out of the 110 degree heat and saw the Petrified Forest. We're getting ready now for a trip to Europe.

  12. Winnie, how fun to take TWO big trips this summer! I love Hawaii. Have visited twice and am ready to go back again.

    NYC is always fun. Did you see "Wicked"? One of my favorite plays. We saw "Amazing Grace," and it was wonderful!

  13. It was great to see you in NYC and so many others! I saw Wicked, Debby! That is my roommate's favourite.

    Hawaii is on my bucket list, Winnie. Your pics are very inspiring!!!

  14. Hi Merrillee. Ooooh, I've always wanted to go to Williamsburg - I plan to get there one day. And Europe! You definitely have me beat travel-wise

  15. Hi Debby. Yes the girls and I saw both Wicked and Something Rotten - loved them both! My daughters are movie and theater buffs so I think it was one of their favorite parts of the trip.

  16. Hi Sandra. Wicked was fabulous wasn't it? And glad you enjoyed the pics, but they just didn't o Hawaii justice!

  17. Wow, Winnie! You sure got around. I'm glad you had such a fun time.

    My husband and I will traveling to Austria to visit our daughter. She worked as an English-language teaching assistant last year and will be doing the same this coming school year. We haven't seen Adriana in a year, and boy do I miss her. I told her to brace herself for a great big hug when she meets us at the Vienna airport.

  18. Hi Keli - sounds like you have some great trips in your future as well. Have fun!!

  19. My sister used to live in Hawaii and my nephew was actually born there. My mom has been to visit when my nephew was born and one other time for work. Loved all the picures Winnie!


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