Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Readers View

Good Morning. Lorraine Beatty here and I have a guest with me today. One of my readers here in central Mississippi, Mary Wieden. We met through our hair dresser. No. Really. Mary was interested in writing and so we met for lunch and hit it off. Let me tell you a little about her.

Mary has been a Mississippian since 1980. She came to Jackson to anchor the news at a Jackson TV station. She was born in Michigan and grew up in the Detroit area, Lake Huron and Heidelberg, Germany as a military child. Before coming to Jackson, Mary finished Michigan State University and learned news in Indiana and North Carolina.

After Jackson, Mary was also Capitol Correspondent for WLOX-TV on the Coast.

In the 1990s well into the 2000s, she did talk radio in Jackson, known as the Queen Of Talk Radio.

She was a reporter onboard on Skycopter 3 and currently has a talk show on Mississippi Super Talk Radio where I’ve been her guest several times, talking about writing and Love Inspired books. During my last visit we talked about my October release, Their Family Legacy

I thought it was time to shine the spotlight on our readers ask her a few questions. After all, one of our main goals is to give the readers what they like to read.

So I posed a few questions:

1.  What do you most like about Love Inspired?

       These are sweet stories enjoyable to read in a world full of too much angst.

       They're good escape fiction yet with real-life challenges to the hero and heroine.

       I do not ever try to figure to how the two will work through their problems; I

       do know that the ending will be love between the two but I like going along

       for the ride the writer takes me on.

2.  Favorite theme:

        I would have to say ranches even though I have no experience living on one.

       As a former horse owner, I enjoy reading about the way people use them/

       love them/treat them.  Other themes like secret babies, reunions etc are also

       enjoyable because like my first answer, it’s always about two people with one

       or more problems to solve so these settings/themes are fine for me to read.

3.  What I like to see:

       That's hard to say ....I enjoy being surprised by the authors - I wouldn't have

       thought I'd enjoy reading about some widows or about people who have to

       figure out how to make major repairs to a historical structure or evens setting

       up a library....but then, it's about love with various settings.  I say keep up

      the writing, taking us along for a good ride/red!  I never read to fall asleep...

       that would be a boring book!

4.  What kind of reader :

       I  am strictly a fiction reader; always have been since college and textbooks.

       Maybe I'll stay up till late or make myself stop and leave more to read the next

       say or night.  I don't read to fall asleep....only a boring story would do that and

       these are not boring stories to me!  

 Thanks Mary. All of us sincerely appreciate our readers and we strive to keep our stories filled with faith hope and family, the things you enjoy most.
 Their Family Legacy, book #2 in the Mississippi Hearts series is available now;

 Can new love spring from old pain? Hope lives in Mississippi Hearts

To keep her new inheritance single mom Annie Shepherd must uphold an old court ruling imposed on Jake Langford, who’s still paying for a tragic accident from his youth. But as Annie and her twin boys get to know the grade school teacher, she discovers a kind generous man beneath the past mistakes. Can Annie and Jake create a family through forgiveness?


  1. Mary, thank you for sharing your views. As an author, it is really helpful to hear what our readers enjoy. Lorraine, thank you for sharing the interview.

  2. Hi Mary! So glad you and Lorraine could connect...and also thankful you like Love Inspired stories! BTW, I'm an Army Brat and Army wife. We lived in Aschaffenburg, which wasn't too far from Heidelberg. I hope you were old enough while living there to remember Germany. I love the country and the people!

  3. Hi, Mary! Thanks for sharing your views about Love Inspired.


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