Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Wonder of Story by Leann Harris

It been a while since I posted and I'm excited to announce my latest novella, Going Home, is out. I signed up for this story a year ago, then was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. That story along with good dose of faith helped me get through the months of treatment. Having to type the story into the computer helped my hand movements and concentration. My heroine was faced some challenges herself, having quit her job as a CPA in Denver and go back to her family's ranch on the eastern plains of the state. Her mother had just died in a car accident, and no one in her family dealt well with the situation. Of course when you throw the hero into the mix, you have complications especially if he's your older brother's best friend. Nate could take it. It was a joy to write. Blizzards, being stuck at the hero's ranch with his parents, and being the one who kissed him first causing the uproar was fun.


  1. Leanne, hope you're feeling stronger. It must have been tough writing through the times you weren't feeling well. Your story sounds great! Congrats!

  2. I love your cover, Leanne. And you are very courageous to write through your health struggles. I truly hope you are better. Good luck with your book! Blessings.

  3. Writing is a blessing. I'm feeling great, today.

  4. You're a strong woman, Leann. Hearing your story is encouraging. The book sounds terrific. Good luck and we look forward to many more in the future.

  5. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Leann. Through a fluke, I was diagnosed with NHL in 2015. But I’ve had no symptoms nor treatments, so I consider myself very blessed. I pray you have many years of remission ahead.

  6. Leeann, I hope you're feeling better and stronger. I totally understand writing through the hard times. In fact, that's part of my post for tomorrow.

  7. Bless you Leann. Praying you continue to heal.

  8. Hugs and prayers ♡


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