Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Life Imitating Art?

Hi Everyone,

Danica Favorite here, and I thought I'd tell you a little about my transition to writing for Love Inspired after writing for Love Inspired Historical for eight books. It's kind of a weird place right now, since my last book was out in February, and my next book is also a February book. I just got a sneak peek at the cover, and oh boy, do I wish I could show you!

So what is this next project?

For Love Inspired, I'm writing a series called Three Sisters Ranch, about three sisters who inherit a run-down ranch from a long-lost relative. They have no ranching experience, but they're determined to build a new life on this ranch in Colorado.

Here's the funny part about life imitating art. Or maybe it's my art imitating my life. We did not inherit a ranch (rats!), but, as some of you may recall, we did buy a house in the mountains with property and the intention of getting horses.

This past Saturday, we got our fourth (and FINAL!) horse. What's been cool about our horse journey is that I've been able to use a lot of what we've learned to write this series. Our horses are all formerly wild mustangs, so we've had quite a few adventures training them. In fact, book two, which is as of yet untitled with no release date other than mid 2019, is ALL ABOUT the horses. Sort of. I don't want to share too much now, because you'll hear more about that book later, but I couldn't resist introducing you to our new crew:

Meet Simba, Ava, Jasper, and Stunner!

I've also been doing a lot of travel with my daughter, who is part of a mounted drill team. So, more horses! It's been great watching her see the fulfillment of her dreams. She's been part of the program for nine years, and is now traveling the country, riding at their top level. They did shows this year in Colorado, New Mexico, and Iowa. I'm told next year will also include a show in South Dakota!
 I'm excited to see what she does next, and of course, what fodder I will find for my stories!

Cowgirl in action

So that's what I've been up to! Hopefully, you'll see a taste of this fun in my books, but if not, I'm always posting fun things on Facebook and Instagram about our adventures. I can't wait to see what you read in my books and say, "hey! She posted about doing that!"

As readers, what do you like to see from authors' lives? What interesting things can I share with you about our animal adventures? Or my other adventures?

About Danica Favorite:

A self-professed crazy chicken lady, Danica Favorite loves the adventure of living a creative life. She and her family recently moved in to their dream home in the mountains above Denver, Colorado.  Danica loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily ever after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps are what refine imperfect characters as they live the life God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the ending of all of Danica’s stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun.
You can connect with Danica at the following places:


  1. Hi Danica! Great post. Your series sounds excellent and it's pretty cool that you've been buying horses and renovating your house. There's definitely a book in there somewhere! Love the pictures! Blessings.

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