Friday, September 28, 2018

Take Time to Play by Christa Sinclair

Hello! This is my very first post and I’m so excited to join everyone here! So, let’s get started…  

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” This is my all-time favorite quote. I have this saying on my refrigerator and on the cork board in my office to remind me every day that if I want a well-rounded life, I need to engage in some silliness from time to time.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be anything major. Some examples of my silliness are rolling across the grocery store parking lot on the cart, riding on a swing while kids played nearby, getting up on a stage to learn dance moves from professionals, and playing hopscotch down the hallway with some students at work. See? Lots of silliness there, but also tons of fun.

Think about it. When we’re children, our lives usually revolve around church, family, school and playing. As we grow, many people do less playing. And by the time we’re adults, we’ve switched over to focusing on a job (or 2), our own families, bills, and many more responsibilities. We’re expected to behave a certain way and be an example of a mature, respectful adult for younger generations. But I say don’t forget your inner child and here’s why…

In August, I began a new school year with some challenging changes. Between that job, day-to-day living, and working on book revisions, I was neglecting my inner child. But I didn’t realize it at first. Instead, I found myself getting depressed, which led me to sleeping a lot, which led me to not getting work done, which added stress, and then the cycle continued. Yep, I was totally wrapped up in “adulting”.

Then, one day last week on my drive to work I heard a new-to-me song that shook some sense into me. ("Joy" from for KING & COUNTRY).  I soon realized how important it is to embrace my inner child because taking time to play makes me stronger. It reminds me not to take myself or life too seriously. It makes me remember who and what are important to me. And it re-energizes me so I can handle all the adult responsibilities in my life with confidence and a clear head.

So, treat yourself. Be a kid again, if only for an afternoon or even five minutes. The “adult you” will thank you for it!

Christa Sinclair moved from New England to escape the harsh winters and settled in Texas once she received her Master’s degree in education. When she’s not teaching high school English or traveling around the world, she’s creating brave new characters who overcome danger to find love and to make sure the good guys win. Find out more about her at, friend her on Facebook  or follow her on Twitter.


  1. Christa, so true. Being an adult came be down right difficult. I am thankful that I have 3 granddaughters to help me enjoy being a kid again.

  2. Thanks for this great reminder, Christa! We all need more laughter in our lives! Sometimes...often...I forget the value of play and how necessary it is for good mental health!

    Mary Alford, like you, I love being with my grandchildren. We play games and laugh and act silly together, all of which brings joy to my heart!

    I need to make a play date with myself!

    Christa, tell me about your rocky seacoast photo. Was that taken in Ireland, perchance?

    1. Actually, Debby, it’s in the Scottish Highlands. I think it might be around The Isle of Skye.

  3. Great post, Christa! Thx for this reminder! Can't wait for your next book!

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I guess I better get back to my revisions for book 2!

  4. Christa,
    So glad you've joined us. Welcome.

  5. So glad you joined us! You are a bright spot in the day of everyone you meet - me included! :)

  6. Christa, I absolutely LOVE this! We do take life too seriously sometimes and need to just "kid" ourselves. Giggle. Thank you for the reminder!

    1. Lol! Of course, the challenge is for us to remember this stuff!

  7. Boy, did I need to hear this! I'm in the middle of a crazy-busy adulting season right now--when it's all the more important to take time for a little joyful silliness! Thanks for the reminder, Christa!!


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