Monday, May 13, 2019

Allie Pleiter - Sharing my Hawaiian Adventure

Aloha, readers!

Last night my husband and I returned from a trip to Hawaii to celebrate our 30th anniversary. It was our first visit to that beautiful place, and I wanted to share some pictures with you. God's creative genius is certainly on display in those islands!

It was an amazing, restorative, grand adventure my husband and I will remember for many years to come. My July release finishes up the Matrimony Valley series, and the Colorado-based Wander Canyon series follows in February 2020, but who knows? Maybe there is a Hawaii-based series somewhere in my future.

It wasn't a perfect trip--we came home last night to a basement that had flooded while we were gone (!!).  So today is all about some nasty clean-up, but I'm determined not to let bleach and wet-vacs take away my tropical glow!



  1. Oh, oh, oh...what a great adventure. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It was a marvelous, once-in-a-lifetime trip! What a beautiful place.

  2. Sorry about your return home, but so glad you had a delightful vacation. Hawaii is amazing and so, so beautiful!

    1. It was quite a "whiplash" to go from tropical paradise to flooded basement in 24 hours!

  3. Oh, no, Allie. So sorry about the basement flood. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed the trip. Just keep looking at those gorgeous pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    1. That's exactly what I've been doing in between supervising the workmen pulling out our ruined carpeting :(

  4. Oh, man. I'm so sorry to hear about your flood. That is NOT fun, but I imagine that 10 years from now, when you're celebrating your 40th anniversary, you will be laughing about it. The pictures you shared are amazing, and congratulations on your upcoming release!

    1. Ha! We were just saying that: "This will make a good story...a year from now."

  5. Gorgeous pictures! (Sorry about the flood!)

  6. Love Hawaii! Which island were you on? Bummer about the flooding in your basement.


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