My husband is on vacation this week, so yesterday, we loaded up our kayaks and headed to a nearby state park where we spent the afternoon paddling the lake and neighboring stream.
Stately pines, spindly birch, lush elms, and sturdy maples stood like sentries as sunlight glistened across the glassy water turning it silver and gluttonous clouds in a bright blue sky mirrored the surface. Bullfrogs and songbirds provided nature's symphony as we sliced through the water flanked with grasses, downed limbs, and wildflowers crowned in a rainbow of color. Jewel-toned dragonflies flitted across my bow and played tag with the golden monarch butterflies. Overhead, a hawk dipped and soared looking for prey.
We floated over a wooden footbridge, past beaver dams, muskrat lodgings, and weathered wood duck boxes and docked to enjoy a picnic lunch along the bank. A school of minnows scurried through the shallow water and a lazy trout rested in the camouflaged shade of a fallen tree.
On the way back to shore, we startled a young doe who stared at us with her large brown eyes before darting into the foliage.
After a busy week (month), taking time from our busy schedules and getting back to nature kayaking style was the perfect way to spend the afternoon. We set aside our screens and to-do lists just to be together doing something we enjoy together.
How do you like to spend quality time with those you love?
Season of Hope
His dreams can all come true...but only if his ex-wife will agree!
Jake Holland’s peaceful dairy farm is a sanctuary—one he wants to share with other worn and weary veterans. He just needs one more piece of land to start his program...and it belongs to Tori Lerner, his ex-wife. A collaboration could benefit them both, but with a past full of secrets between them, is there any hope for renewed love?
His dreams can all come true...but only if his ex-wife will agree!
Jake Holland’s peaceful dairy farm is a sanctuary—one he wants to share with other worn and weary veterans. He just needs one more piece of land to start his program...and it belongs to Tori Lerner, his ex-wife. A collaboration could benefit them both, but with a past full of secrets between them, is there any hope for renewed love?

Wonderful post, Lisa. I love kayaking although I've had a few missteps. My husband and girls are great kayakers. I love the water but I always worry about the kayak turning over...and it did happen lol. Your pictures are really beautiful!