Thursday, May 28, 2009

Grandmas are Special, too!

Missy Tippens here. I’m excited to announce the June 1st release of my newest Love Inspired book, His Forever Love! It’s available online now and should be in bookstores very soon (I saw the shelf tag at Target yesterday!) And as part of my blog tour, today I’ll be offering a free copy in a drawing from among all who comment! Please leave your contact information so I can reach you if you win. (As a side note, remember that any time you comment you’re automatically entered in our monthly drawing for that month’s Love Inspired books.)

As we finish the month of focus on motherhood, I thought I’d tell a little bit about one of the characters in His Forever Love: Granny Bea. My hero, Bill, lost his parents when he was young, so his grandmother took him and his brother in to raise them. When the story starts, Granny has taken a fall, so Bill comes home to check on her. And what he finds is that Granny now has her first outside-the-home job, plus a man with a crush on her! Oh, and of course Bill finds the heroine, too. And he just happened to have loved her in high school and hasn’t seen her in fifteen years. Of course, she’s not too happy with his plans for Granny! :)

As we think of motherhood this month, I couldn't help but remember my wonderful grandmother. Do any of you have a special Grandma you’d like to tell us about?
I hope you'll visit me at to learn more about His Forever Love and to sign up for my newsletter.


  1. My mother passed away when I was eleven. My brother was 16 we lived with my grandmother for 2 years and when he turned 18 he got us a place of his own. My grandmothers house was always so full because all of her children believed that she was the babysitter they could just dump on. Still to this day the poor woman lives with her 18 year old grandson that takes advantage of her. It drives me batty. I did love this book though. I loved her emotion of how she thought Bill was trying to take her job. It was horrid I couldn't imagine growing that close to someone and then the person you thought you could trust most in the world pushes you away without realizing it.

  2. Missy, my grandmother was my best friend. She was an incredibly courageous and spunky lady who emigrated to the US, alone, at age 15, and in a literal act of God escaped the authorities who wanted to send her back. She didn't speak English and I never learned to speak Ukrainian but somehow we communicated straight from our hearts. She taught me the embroidery skills that eventually turned into a fifteen year career in the craft industry for me. She also taught me to cook, and her bread is still the best I've ever tasted. She had a crush on Johnny Weissmuller and never missed a Tarzan movie on TV, and cheated like mad at Yahtzee when she thought nobody was looking. She was the only person in my family who was never judgmental and unflaggingly supportive of me. She's been gone almost 25 years now and I still miss her every day.

  3. Missy,
    I bought your book last week. I think I found it at my local Frys (grocery store). I love grandma's too.

  4. Jessiecue,

    Your grandmother must be an amazing woman! Thanks for sharing about her.

    And thanks for reading my book! I'll enter you in the drawing, and if you win, you can give the extra copy to someone. :)

  5. EC,

    What a beautiful story of love even through a language barrier.

    I talked about my grandmother on Lyn Cote's Strong Women, Brave Stories blog last week (May 21). I still miss her, too, especially when I smell something that reminds me of her house. I once walked into an antique store and instantly broke into tears! Its smelled just like her house.

  6. Thank you, Pamela! I hope you like it. (nervous biting of nails, now!) :)

    I'm thrilled to hear it was at the grocery store!! I haven't seen it on a shelf yet. :)

  7. Hi Missy I read the excerpt of His Forever Love and it sound wonderful.Have a good week.

  8. Hi, Butterflielover! Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Hi Missy!
    I have talked of my grandparent's on here before, but it seems appropriate to mention my grandma special now.
    My grandmother is one of the most courageous women I have ever known. She had 6 children. However, when my Uncle Bruce was 15, he died in a tractor accident(they live on a farm). She was able to continue to guide her family through this tremendous heartbreak. I don't know how she could ever do this.
    Now, she is 83, going on 84. She is always quoted that when my cousin(now 26) was born she said, "I love that I got to see one grandchild born. I will never get to see his graduation!" She said that when my other cousin was born, myself, and my sister! She has seen both of my cousin's high school and college graduations and will see mine next year!
    My grandmother is also a fighter. When she was young, she was diagnosed with two things. One was arthritis, which runs in the family, the other was Multiple Sclerosis(MS). She has lived through a double knee replacement too. Now, I have arthritis already at the young age of 17 and she has been there for me the entire way. She can relate, and though she's older in age, her spirit is as young as me!
    I love my grandma with all my heart. I dread to see the day that she leaves all of us here on Earth, but will be consoled by the fact that she is finally with her Saviour.
    Thanks for this wonderful promt, Missy,
    P.S. I just bought the book! I absolutely cannot wait to read it!!!!

  10. Both my grandmothers lived in the same town and were actually close friends but each was a little jealous of the other whenever the grandkids visited so we would have to eat one meal with one and another meal with the other. Unfortunately I wasn't as close to them as I could have been because I didn't see much of them since they lived quite a distance from us.

  11. Hannah, your Grandmother sounds like a wonderful lady, too!

    Thanks for getting the book! I hope you like it.


  12. Ellen, my grandmother lived 6 and half hours away, so I didn't get to see her a lot either--maybe 2 or 3 times a year. It's tough when family is so far!

    My parents are 5 hours away now. And my husband's parents are 4 hours away. I'm always envious when people live near family.

  13. Both my grandmas are no longer on earth. So I've gotten myself an adopted grandmother. I love chatting with her its like talking with someone my own age which is really cool!
    I would love to get you book my email address is

  14. Sketchgirl, what a great idea! And I'm sure it means so much to your adopted grandmother. What a sweet thing to do.

  15. I have the winner of the drawing:

    Hannah! I'll contact you by email.

  16. Wow! I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments. Aren't grandmas the greatest??!


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