Monday, May 25, 2009

Proud of those who have served our country

We've been talking about our mothers for the month, but today I am turning the focus to Memorial Day which is most likely about our fathers (although women have done their part to preserve our freedoms in many different ways through the years). Memorial Day began for the purpose of decorating the graves of Civil War veterans and has since become a day on which all war dead are commemorated. Even if I don't visit a grave today, I will spend some time being grateful for my freedoms. I also plan to call a few veterans I know and thank them for serving.

Do you have any special plans for the day? Or do you want to post a comment expressing your gratitude for those who have served our country? If so, please do.


  1. My dh and I were talking about the real meaning of Memorial Day just this morning. It's sad to me that the day has become more about going to the lake and partying than in rememberance. Gene saw a former POW on James Robinson this morning and it was a great reminder of the sacrifices our military makes for our freedom. Thanks for honoring them with your post.

  2. Linda -- My father is a World War II vet and I have a good friend who is a Vietnam Vet. Both of them have stories to tell. I'm glad we have a day to honor all of the veterans.

  3. Hi Janet,
    We're not doing anything special today, but I have been thinking of my father who was a WWII disabled veteran and my uncles who served in WWII. It's hard to see this brave generation pass away from us.

  4. Lyn -- The World War II vets were an amazing bunch of heroes. I'm sad to see them pass away, too.

  5. I just wanted to add a quick comment. Last night my sister and I babysat 4 kids(ages 2,4,6, and 7). We talked with them about Memorial Day before we made a cake decorated as an American Flag with strawberries and blueberries. The 6 and 7 year olds had an amazing understanding of the day. The 4 year old knew that "it is a day to honor people who helped us". It was really cute and touching to see that even at that young an age, Memorial Day was still a respected subject. Thank you to all of the veterans for all that they did.

  6. Hannah -- Thanks for posting. That is encouraging.

  7. I think that all of your posts are encouraging to read, also. I am a new "member" or follower to this blog, but I LOVE reading it! I look forward to coming everytime I notice on my Dashboard that there is a new post!

  8. Hannah -- We love having you here!

  9. Well, frankly, it's great to be here! I appreciate all of you taking the time to do this in, what must be, very busy schedules.


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