Thursday, May 21, 2009

Houston...I have power! AND a great mom...

Sorry for getting this up late. We only recently had power restored after an enormous storm...ever heard of an inland hurricane?

Neither had I until two weeks ago when I saw whole trees sailing past my windows. LOL!

Today I'd like to honor my mom by telling you a story. I've wanted to write since I could hold a crayon. My parents always encouraged me toward my dreams. My mother is the kindest, sweetest person I know. She always believed in me and told me so. She never once doubted my potential even when I did. After high school, I went to college to be a nurse. I worked in health care for about twenty years before trading in my nurse's hat and running those corridors at midnight to running after the patter of six little feet.

Becoming a stay-at-home mom is a choice my mother made when we were young too, and I was so glad for that time with her. I thought, my kids are only little once and I can never get that time back with them. Staying home with them enabled me to begin writing. Actually, what started me staying home was the fact that I was placed on bedrest with a pregnancy. So God really launched the gift of story in me then, though I'd written for years.

After seven years of trying, I finally sold my 7th completed manuscript but I'd finished 15 by that time. Once my author copies of my debut novel came in the mail, I went straight to my mom's house, because she's been my biggest champion and I knew she'd be so proud of me. I handed that book to her and said, "Look! My first book!"

She smiled in her sweet way and said, "No, actually...this is your first book." And she walked over to a file cabinet that she'd kept drawings and art projects and things from my sister and I from when we were young. She pulled out this tattered blue construction paper book that was illustrated and had a story in the pages about a dog named blue (LOOOOOOOOONG before Blues Clues! LOL.). I'd written it when I was in elementary school, probably around age 5. She handed it to me and said, "THIS was your first book." Then she hugged me and said, "I always knew you could do it."

What would we do without mothers?

For those of you whose mom has passed prayers and thoughts are with you today. I pray God will grant you special memories today.




  1. I was a stay at home mom also and have never regretted it, raised 4 children, now range from 36-47
    I really miss them.


  2. I have heard of an inland hurricane so I'm glad you survived this one. And glad you got your power back. Living without power is not easy. Been there done that several times curtesy of a coastal hurricane. I've never been a mom but my own mom was a stay at home mom. She was the best in my opinion because she was always supportive of us (I had two brothers) in anything we tried. We lost our mom 13 years ago.

  3. OH my. What a great story!

    And can you say, "WOW" at that picture? Holy Moly, Cheryl. I'm just glad you're safe.

  4. Edna, it's so hard when families are scattered geographically. And trying to get everyone's schedules to mesh for get-togethers is so hard. I feel for you!


  5. Ellen, thanks for stopping by. I was so amazed at God in this many people did not die. So many cars and homes had enormous, uprooted trees and power poles on them. So many trees fell inches beside the homes but not directly on. I know the fatalities and injuries could have been so much worse.

    Hugs to your family this Mother's Day season!

  6. Lynn, hey there!

    I'm glad we're safe too. Danica Favorite-McDonald talked me down from a panicked frenzy during the storm. LOL! I was in my car when the tornado sirens began to wail and the sky went pitch black in the middle of the day.

    I never ever used to be frightened of storms. But now I have a healthy respect for them. LOL!

    Thanks for coming by!


  7. Cheryl, what a sweet story about your mom!

    And what an amazingly scary photo! I'm so glad you're safe!

  8. Missy, me too!
    Thanks for coming by.


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