Thursday, May 6, 2010


Pat Davids here.
I almost missed posting today. Goodness, how time gets away from me. I'm deep in new research and I'm having a ball. I'm going to an alpaca farm tomorrow. That's a new one on me. I've only read about these cute camel-like animals. I'm hoping to gather some good pictures and stories I can use in my new book.

I've done a lot of research over the years. It gives me an excuse to travel. I've toured the Commanding General's Mounted Color Guard at Fort Riley, KS. (A cavarly reinactment unit)I've spent the day with a small town sheriff. I've helped burn a pasture in the Flint Hills, and stayed at a seaside B&B in Maine all in the name of sharing my experiences with readers through my books instead of making you watch home movies. I've even visited the Underground Salt Museum in Hutchinson Kansas but I haven't found a way to work that into a story yet.

What are some of the things you enjoy about doing research? One thing I love is dragging my family or a friend along with me. What are some of you pet peeves? I always think of one more question when I'm on my way home.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am striving to become a writer, so I don't have answers to your questions, but I do have a question for you. When researching for a book, is there anything wrong with doing web research?

  3. Sherri,
    There is nothing wrong with Internet research. The majority of my research is done that way. When I can, I travel to places or interview people looking for that personal element. I'm sure it helps me more than my readers.


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