Monday, May 17, 2010

Missing in Action in Disneyland

This is Janet Tronstad on vacation in Southern California (where I live, but generally work). Today and tomorrow I'm at Disneyland and a resort (great swimming pool and hot tub). My little niece and nephew are here too and so very excited. I sometimes envy them their ability to be so excited about things -- the one part of childhood I think we all miss. When was the last time you were that excited?


  1. It was this past summer when I traveled to Pennsylvania and met in person two of my favorite authors and then went on to Niagara Falls.
    I was in Southern California the year I graduated from high school and my parents asked me where I wanted to vacation as a graduation present. I selected Disneyland and the San Diego Zoo. My dad then decided to travel up the coast to San Francisco. We had a blast.

  2. Janet, I'm so excited that RWA will be at Disney World! We're going a day early to enjoy one of the parks. :) I'm like a kid when someone mentions Disney.


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