Monday, May 3, 2010

Joining In Is a Good Thing by Debra Clopton

Hi Everyone Debra Clopton here posting late !!!! Wow God has been busy in my life. But even so there are moments where I can get discouraged...maybe its just me but I don't think so :) Life is just built that way. WE have ups and we have downs. THANK goodness for a wonderful church family who can lift you up, give you things to get involved in, be there for you when you need them and you be there when they need you.

I urge each of you if you don't have a church family that you find one. Don't just go on Sunday and leave, but jump in and get involved with the people--claim it for your own and you will be amazed at how it will bless you!!! But also how you can bless others. I spent yesterday with about 40 youth playing volleyball in the horse arena at our church (Cowboy Church of Leon County) and there is just no way not to feel uplifted after that!!! Yes I'm using a few exclamation marks cuz I'm excited :) If that wasn't enough to get my "happy" going then I stayed and went to the women's Bible study after that...yes I had to rinse off outside at the faucet because I was really covered in sand but the ladies still let me come. It was awesome. SO the moral here is don't let a bad moment, a bad morning, or any other thing Satan throws your way discourage you from joining in at your local church. Someone there needs you and you need them. Hey, and if any of you are in the Centerville area on Saturday May 15 stop by our church for a benefit we are having for Willie Perry one of the dear men in our cowboy band who is fighting lung cancer. Its going to be a great day of music, a roping of some sort--check out Cowboy Church of Leon County's facebook page to get all the details. There will be many silent auction baskets and some great BBQ. I'm just sayin...come have some fun--and do a good deed at the same time :)

Also, keep your eyes posted the 2nd book of my Men Of Mule Hollow series hits the shelves June 1 COWBOY FOR KEEPS I hope you grab a copy and enjoy !

Until next time, live, laugh and seek God with all your heart!

Debra Clopton :)


  1. Such a great point, Debbie! Not only do we need to get involved, but others need us as well!

    Sounds like you had a great time. :)

  2. Great post, Debra! I LOVE my Church and always look forward to being with my friends from Church. I think being part of a church fellowship is so important for believers, and I'm thankful the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful church family!
    Blessings, Patti Jo
    P.S. Playing volleyball with those kiddos sounds FUN! :)

  3. Great post but I may be a great grandmother but that guy on the front is ooo la la


  4. Thank you for sharing such insight on the importance of a church family. I don't think all Christians understand how important it is to have a group to worship with, share accountability, and to help you grow in your spiritual walk. And in showing the importance of serving others, you have also pointed out how we can be as Christ like as possible, for He was the greatest of all servants in giving is life for us. How amazing He is!!


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