Monday, February 13, 2012

Your First Crush

Linda Goodnight here. Do you remember your first crush? The first boy who made your heart flutter and had you hoping, hoping he’d give you a really truly special Valentine instead of the usual tiny punch-out card from a box of 36? I remember. I was in second grade and there was the cutest boy ever. Brown hair, brown eyes, tall and dark, a regular romance hero in the making. And he wrote left handed which my seven year old brain considered absolutely magical. The day of our little class party, I opened my Valentine mailbox to discover not one, but two tiny punch-out cards from my crush. I never found out if he actually liked me or had made a mistake, because, after all, second graders don’t act on crushes, they just have them. But my fluttery little heart was happy just the same.

So how about you? Do you remember your first crush? Come on, you know you do...

And while we're chatting, I have a question: Which kind of Valentine would you rather have? Flowers, Chocolates, or jewelry?

Please share--and pass the box of chocolates....


  1. Linda, what a fun trip down Memory Lane! My first crush was on a boy with long blond hair (t was the 70's after all)! :) And one year (I think maybe about 5th grade) he gave me a box of chocolates!! Another boy gave me one as well that year, and I felt so special! I saved both those heart-shaped boxes for years with my mementos.

    That same blond boy was also my first kiss. :)

  2. By the way, forgot to answer your question. :)

    I love jewelry. And a romantic dinner out. :)

  3. Aw, first love... I was in the third grade, the boy was the silent type, black hair, black eyes and all that! He didn't give me my first valentine but he did give me my first kiss. I'll never forget it :)

    I can't have all three gifts? I like jewelry and flowers. The chocolate last just as long on my hips so I guess I'll pass on that one.

    Thanks for such a fun post Linda!

  4. Ah, yes. I had lots of crushes. My first was second grade also, but I only got the standard card. I went back to a class reunion this fall and ran into him again. It was fun going down memory lane, but he seems to remember things differently than I do. :) As for gifts on Valentine's Day? I just want to be remembered.

  5. I don't really remember my first crush, but, for a Valentine's Day gift, I'll take jewelry, candy, and flowers in that order.

  6. I dont remember my first crush no Idea. Here in Aust vallentines day is a fairly newish day. its never been to just give friends cards and back when I was at school I dont think we knew anything about it except what we saw in American tv.

    I think I would go for flowers but as I have only ever had a valantines gift from a friend in the states (a skunk that sings how sweet it is to be loved by you with a rose) I cant see me getting one.

  7. I don't remember the name of my first crush. It might have been Terry, but I do remember that he lived down the lane and was a couple of years older than me. My teacher asked me to take a message to his teacher. I was really nervous going into the older kids classroom, but he said "hi" to me from the back of the room. Made my year. :)

  8. Mine is probably a little sandy-haired fellow in second grade named Kraig. Don't remember any special valentines, but I do remember he shared his binoculars with me when our class learned about bird-watching. =)

    Candy over flowers...but I'd really love to have a sapphire and diamond ring.

    Happy LOVE Day, ladies.

  9. God's Valentine

    God so loVed the world,
    That He g Ave
    His onLy
    thaT whosever
    Believeth In Him
    Should Not perish,
    But have Everlasting life."
    John 3:16

    To receive The Daily Encourager FREE each weekday, click on the following link:

  10. Olufisayo, thank you for that beautiful Valentine!

  11. Ooh, Missy. You and the blonde bombshell! lol Grade school crushes are such cute memories.

  12. Rhonda, the silent kisser! lol So cute.

    Hope you're getting those flowers and jewels today!

  13. Kim, we are sisters at heart. We both fell in love in the second grade. :-) I went to a reunion a few years back and pretended not to remember having that crush.

  14. Ausjenny and Jean--What? No crushes? I feel so deviant. Here's wishing you both love and lots of good things. Jenny, I had to giggle at your skunk Valentine!!

  15. Merrillee, I remember getting all pitter-patterish over going into the "big" kids' classes too. Isn't it funny how those "kids" aren't so awe inspiring anymore?

  16. Jenny, a boy who shares his binoculars ranks right up there with the best. Fingers crossed for that fancy schmancy ring you're longing for. Around here, I've settled for a sweet card--which is all I needed but a sapphire sounds pretty nice!

  17. Olufisayo,

    I agree, God gives the very best Valentine of all. Isn't it wonderful that He also gave us each other to love?


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