Sunday, June 24, 2012

NYC, what a wonderful town

Leann Harris here.  I got to go to NYC the first week of the month for BEA.  What fun and a wonderful adventure getting lost in the subway system.  And of course, Pat Daniels and I saw the sights.  We went to the Statue of Liberty.  Did you know that to take the ferry out there, you have to go through a metal detector as you do at the airport?  The line was long--every child in NYC had a field trip that day. I got to know the lovely elderly English lady who just flown in from the Grand Canyon.  She experience her first 103 day.  Well, her friend and fellow Englishwoman set off the detector.  Well, she had to go through again and take off her pearls, watch and ring.  She set it off again.  They pulled her aside and ran the wand up and down her.  It was the wire in her bra.

When did we lose common sense?

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