If you checked Elnora's blog post from Friday, then you got a hint of what we're doing here today. We are doing a 1 DAY short story where the Craftie Ladies and our readers can each write a 140 character addition to a short holiday story that I will start at the end of this blogpost.
As Elnora posted, the premise is based on Twitter. (It's okay if you've never been on Twitter before. You'll catch on REALLY fast.) I will start the story. YOU will read my post and whoever it is that posts IN THE COMMENTS AREA and pick up the story from there. Don't be shy. Take the story in whichever direction you want to take it. This will go on ALL DAY TODAY (And into the wee hours if you're posting from around the world) and by the end we'll have an entire story.
1. Read the posts at the bottom of this blog AND in the comments area.
2. Add a few sentences about what happens next.
3. Keep coming back to see what everyone else adds so you get the whole story.
4. No comments, just additions to the story so we call can read the story straight down until the end.
5. At the end of it all, we can comment about how much fun we had.
It's meant to be fun. It's meant to make us all laugh in between all the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping and decorating. Please join in. All are welcome!
So without further ado...
There were 3 days until Christmas. I put the last present under the tree and noticed a present I didn't put there. I looked at the tag curiously and gasped!
It couldn't be be. She dropped the parcel in shock. She cautiously picked it back up to recheck the tag and in shock the tears ran down her face.
ReplyDeleteSuddenly she was back ; she’s 20 and overwhelmed with the responsibility of caring for her siblings and no time for love or life of her own.
ReplyDeleteHe had been her best friend since the summer before her freshman year. He'd been a junior, working at her family's ranch to make money for college.
ReplyDeleteBut, he'd disappeared a decade ago. Even his family claimed to have lost contact with him.
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ReplyDelete"Miss," a voice spoke, masculine and gravely, like a backwoods road. "You've dropped your gloves."
ReplyDeleteEmily glanced up and up, into the most luscious chocolate brown eyes she'd ever seen.
They were eyes she'd seen in her dreams ever since.
"Hello, Leah."
She wanted to hug him but didn't dare.
Too much time had gone by, and she had no idea what to make of his return, the present he had left for her under the tree or what to say to him.
ReplyDeleteRugged looking, Seth commanded the space around him. The years he'd been away had matured him but also changed him. He was similar to the younger version of him and yet the self-confidence he eluded was new.
ReplyDelete"Where have you been, Seth?"
"It's hard to explain. Can we go somewhere and talk?"
ReplyDeleteDid she dare. Memories of how much he'd hurt her whirled through her mind like snowflakes. "You left me at the altar. Why should I listen to you?"
"That's what I want to talk about." He reached his hand toward her shoulder, but she stepped back and looked away. A gift under the tree, quiet talk, and sudden visit couldn't undo the hurt he'd put her through.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't want to talk. Seth had put her through so much hurt but she would not hurt him by telling him her secret.
ReplyDeleteShe poked her finger into his hard chest. "What are you doing here? How did you get into my house?" His smirk told her everything she needed to know. "Up to your old tricks again Seth?
ReplyDeleteHe caught her hand and pressed it to his chest. Anguish shadowed his eyes. "The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. Please believe that."
ReplyDelete"But you did Seth, you hurt me so bad that I never thought I would be whole again. That day you left me my heart shattered into a million peices."
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ReplyDelete"I had to leave. I had to protect you," he said, his eyes begging her to understand. "My past had caught up to me."
ReplyDeleteA flicker of hope entered her heart. Was there any truth in his excuse? Her eyes met his. "Protect me from who?"
ReplyDeleteHe looked away, his face a storm of emotion. "I can't tell you. Not yet."
ReplyDeleteLeah stepped back, her spine rigid, her hands cold. He may be here, standing in front of her, his eyes beseeching her to understand but he still clung to his secrets. Just like she had to hold on to her own.
ReplyDeleteHe'd left her at the altar, but with more than just a shattered heart. He wanted to protect her, but now she had someone she needed to protect. At least until she knew more.
ReplyDeleteReturning home she heralded in her heart the anguish such meeting provoked. Opening the door a frail voice greeted: "Is it you Sweetie?”
ReplyDeleteHow was she going to keep from telling Grandma about seeing Seth? Grandma had raised her, knew her inside and out. She would know something was wrong.
ReplyDeleteSaying a quick prayer for calm she answered her grandma, "yes Grandma it's me. I'll be right in" Taking a deep breath she heads to the kitchen.
ReplyDelete"Seth's back," she blurted as soon as she walked in. So much for hiding it.
ReplyDeleteGrandma didn't bat an eye. She just continued stirring. "Then it's time."
The fact that Grandma wasn't surprised that Seth was back puzzled Leah. "Time for what?" Grandma looked at me thoughtfully and said, "For you to learn the truth."
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ReplyDeleteThe scent of pumkin pie spice and cinnamon filled the air. It was her grandmother's Christmas specialty, her famous pumpkin roll. She made it every year but nothing about this Christmas was turning out to be normal.
ReplyDelete"But it's not my place to tell you," Grandma said, sealing her lips in a thin line.
ReplyDeleteLeah stared at the blinking lights on the tree in the corner until it turned into a multi-colored blur.
That was it, all she was going to say?
"Grandma, what are you hiding?" Leah asked.
ReplyDelete"Seth wrote me a few weeks ago and told me everything." The old woman's eyes narrowed. "But he asked me not to reveal the truth. Ask Seth, if you want to know why he left you."
Lights sparkled on every bush and tree in the Cutlers' front yard. Seth's parents had always gone all out with Christmas lights. Leah's stomach danced with sugarplum fairies as she pressed the doorbell.
ReplyDeleteShe wanted to turn and run, why had Seth abandoned her, why was he back. She was so torn that she didn't notice he had opened the door and was watching her.
ReplyDelete"Leah, come in." Seth held the door wide.
ReplyDeleteShe sent up a silent prayer asking for strength and hoping she wasn't making a mistake. She crossed the threshold into Seth's family's home.
The living room was just the way she remembered; a set of matching recliners angled toward each other, a large bookcase filled with novels behind them. Heat flushed through her as she glanced at the couch sitting in it's comfortable position in front of the fireplace.
ReplyDeleteThe place where he'd kissed her for the first time.
"I shouldn't have come," she said. But Grandma thinks we need to talk. She said you'd explain everything." Leah glanced at the man she's alway loved. "So tell me, Seth? What's the big secret? And after you explain, I have something I need to tell you, too."
ReplyDeleteSeth took her by the hand and led her to the sofa. She tried to ignore the warmth and comfort in his touch. "Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. You know how I traveled for my job?"
ReplyDeleteShe nodded. He was in sales with clients all over the world.
"What does your job have to do with why you left me?"
"I'm an agent of the government."
Stunned, she shook her head. How could that be?
"When I left I had every intention of returning to you. I left to rescue a burned spy, but was caught and held."
She gasped. Her heart squeezed tight.
"How long were you held? And where? Why didn't you-" The questions tumbled over and over, more coming, but she held them back.
ReplyDelete"I escaped after a year, but they were right behind me," Seth said, "I changed my name a dozen times, changed my looks just as often."
Leah nodded. He'd live a life she'd only experienced in books.
"I didn't dare come home," Seth said. "They knew my identity, and I was terrified they'd figure why I left you at the alter."
"And even more terrified," Seth continued, "that they might seize you to get me to come up from cover."
ReplyDelete"So why have you come now?" she asked.
"The world changes and the people I was hiding from have met their own deaths at the hands of their own countrymen."
"So what does that mean for us?" Her heart beat so fast she felt a bit light-headed.
Seth looked suddenly uncertain. "It means if you can forgive me, I've quit the business. Please, Leah, I know I hurt you so bad, but--"
ReplyDeleteLeah flew into his arms and interrupted his words with the kiss she'd been longing to give him.
When she finally stepped back, she murmured, "I love you, Seth. Even when I hated you. We can start again. If you want to?"
Seth took her into his arms and held her close but so gently. "Yes" was all he could say.
Grandma quietly left the room to the lovers, already planning a quiet wedding in front of her Christmas tree.
Thanks so much to everyone for stopping by and participating in the short story. This was a LOT of fun. Leave your comments below and tell us how you like the story. I'm already thinking of new stories to do in the future. How about you?
this story just flowed as if it were wrote by one person instead of so many. It had love-friendship-mystery and suspense, I liked it a lot. thanks everyone for adding your bits and pieces.
ReplyDeletePaula O
That was fun!
ReplyDeleteThat was fun. I liked the "little bit of everything."
ReplyDeleteI have to say I laughed out loud at Missy's, "'Seth's back,' she blurted as soon as she walked in. So much for hiding it."
Peace, Julie
That was so fun to do! Thanks for all who took part.
ReplyDeleteJulie, I love characters who blurt things. :)
What fun to create a story by so many "writers". We've got to do this again.
ReplyDeleteWe rock!! Great fun!!!
ReplyDeleteI love a happily ever after!!! YAY, Seth and Leah are together at last.
ReplyDeleteThanks, everyone, for making the story so much fun to read.
Have a joyous Christmas. Looking forward to more Craftie Ladies' stories in the New Year!
This was fun! Wonderful indeed.
ReplyDeleteA memory to treasure. Thank you Craftie Ladies!
Wishing you a Blessed Christmas,
LOL, lots of fun. So, I need to look back and see... did she ever open the present? I'm thinking no. So, what was in it? I'm thinking a wedding ring just in case.
ReplyDeletePamela no she didn't open the present or tell her own secret but thats ok.
ReplyDeleteit was fun and good to see.
Yes. A ring. That would be lovely.
ReplyDeleteAn heirloom ring, YES!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my, you all did awesome! I'm so sorry I missed this. lol Great story, ladies!!