Friday, June 1, 2012

Ask Elnora--About A Good Egg?? Lenora Worth

Hello, my little chicks. Do you like the picture up above? Elnora is in there somewhere. But can you guess what kind of picture this is? Okay, I can't wait to tell you. It's a mini-me inside a sugar egg! My dear friend and Church Lady Extraordinaire Miss Becky made a huge sugar egg and put me inside it. Elnora was so tickled to see myself in there, but she also added bookshelves behind me and a copy of my own book in one corner (Body of Evidence--the one that made the NY Times Bestseller List). She added a pink ribbon because a couple of years ago, I spoke at the group she and several other women started--"The Cancer Girls". They have all survived breast cancer! This egg looks good enough to eat, but then I couldn't stay hidden away in that sparkling sugar shell if someone ate it. It's like being in a tiny cocoon. And it's got major bling and girly flowers all over it.
Isn't that the cutest thing ever. Miss Becky is a big fan and reads a lot of our books. When she dropped by, I looked like death-warmed-over. Elnora had just and I mean JUST finished a Love Inspired that was due TODAY! Finished it yesterday at around 3 PM, thank you very much. I had on no makeup, grimy clothes and stringy lifeless hair. I had settled in to watch Big Daddy pack and to guess all the questions on Jeopardy. But when Miss Becky calls, one gets up and puts some color on. She always brings something wonderful. Even my son used to love her visits because she shows up like Mary Poppins, as if she knows you are having a bad day and she has chocolate brownie muffins and divinity--yes, divinity--even in the middle of summer. And we all flock to that metal tin like birds to a feeder. Sometimes she even throws jelly beans in there! Or little trinkets that remind us that God loves us.
Miss Becky is one of those thoughtful ladies, who, no matter her own pain or fatigue, just knows how to make others feels special. I bet you know someone like Miss Becky. She's a good egg, no doubt. When she brought my egg, she told me to keep it cool since it's made of pure sugar. We don't want it to melt. It will make the trip to Florida with me, if I have to hold it all the way and it will have a place on my office shelf. To show her my appreciation, I handed her a newly minted, fresh from the hunky UPS man to my house, copy of my August release The Diamond Secret. It's no secret that we all need a friend such as Miss Becky. She knows how to make you smile, even inside a luscious sugar egg. She said this one is her masterpiece. I say "Miss Becky, you are the masterpiece." Now ladies, let's hear about the Miss Becky's in your life. Let's discuss all the good eggs out there. Do you have one???


  1. Wow love the egg (I actually love sugar eggs) but this is wonderful. We have a lady who teaches egg art here with real eggs. They make wonderful creations also.

    1. It takes a true talent and patience to do this. She also makes jewelry and string bookmarks. She gave me one of those too.

  2. I've never heard of a sugar egg. Miss Becky is super-talented. My neighbor Nancy is my Miss Becky. When a disk in my back blew she drove me to physio, she joined me in pilates classes (driving). Now when we meet up to walk, she takes my exuberant dog's leash for me (and she's 20 years older than me!) And best of all, when I'm stuck in my writing, she bakes me chocolate chip cookies. :)

    1. Oh, that's a true good egg,Sandra. I know all about back problems, so having someone mothering you through the pain is wonderful.

  3. Good Morning, great way to start the day with a story of "Good Egg", I love the pic in the egg, talanted woman...
    I always think of the phrase "The incredible edible egg" when I think eggs so what is the Good Egg?
    Paula O

    1. I think a good egg is someone who is thoughtful and loving. Miss Becky is an encourager. She always has a kiind word. A good egg is a good person, someone you can always count on.

  4. I had to laugh when I saw title. Yesterday, I taught ladies Bible class at church. My lesson was about Mary before and right up until she married Joseph and the customs. I had samples of marriage contracts, I brought in the plate in a towel representing the distruction of the temple, etc. One of the ladies, definitely a Miss Becky, mentioned that she'd heard that an egg was used during a Jewish wedding ceremony. When I first saw your title, I got all excited because yesterday I searched and searched and couldn't find anything about an egg symbolizing something in a Jewish wedding LOL

    1. That is funny. Oh, well at least we were on the same subject.

  5. My Miss Becky one of my bosses! Yes, I have more than one and yes, I am super lucky!! I am one of the administrative assistants at my church. One of the people I work for is the Women's Director. She is my boss, my friend and my mentor! Love her to pieces. She has encouraged me in so many ways, I hope I can repay her someday!

  6. What a wonderful story. You are surely blessed to have Miss Becky in your life. The egg is gorgeous! I'd never heard of sugar eggs, so that first picture had me perplexed, LOL.

  7. What a wonderful lady. Are you sure you want to leave LA, Lenora?

    I've got a friend who always knows when I need a lift. She's my special Miss Becky.

    Now, I'm wondering how I can be a Miss Becky to others...hmmmmm?

  8. How neat.....I know you cherish that egg! My Mother used to do them, but never put in that. I have a friend who does the string bookmarks! BTW, got the books, Lenora...THANKS!!

  9. How wonderful, Lenora! What an amazing friend.

    I have a wonderful friend who baked me a birthday cake this year since my family never thinks to do one. So I didn't have to feel sorry for myself this year! LOL

  10. Debby, I'm torn. I love LA but grew up in GA so Florida seemed like a good compromise. I'll be closer to the GA Romance Writers, at least. And lots of family around, too.

    Jackie S--so glad you received the books!~

    Missy, friends who bake cakes are keepers in my book. Sounds like we have a lot of good eggs around. Debby, I love your idea of being a "good egg" for someone. Scrambled or fried, I try to be that way as often as I can but I'm afraid sometimes I'm just and Egghead!!!


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