Deb Kastner here, wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Goals. Motivation. Conflict. I’m sure most of my writer friends have heard these
three words slung together at one time or another. Authors use them a lot, especially when we’re
first forming our stories. We identify
what’s important to our characters, what drives them to pursue those goals
(motivation), and what conflicts could potentially get in the way of them succeeding (in a
novel, the more conflict, the merrier).
As the New Year quickly approaches, I find myself
evaluating 2013—what worked for me and what didn’t, goals on which I progressed and
those I quickly scrapped, the life changes I’ve been through, what 2014 is shaping up
to be, and what I’d like it to look like.
This is the time of year I look at Goals, Motivation
and Conflict in an entirely different way—as they apply to my own life.
What are my hopes and dreams for 2014? Are they realistic? Specific?
Can I break my goals into pieces so I can celebrate small successes
along the way? Do I have an appropriate
number of goals? Am I stretching myself
as a person or overwhelming myself?
When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, I find it
easy to overdo. I want to write faster,
read more, eat less, lose weight and save money. All noble goals, to be sure, but I’ve
discovered that if I don’t have the motivation to back those goals, they drop
off within the first week or two and I’m back to my old, familiar habits.
Every year for—well, ever—“Lose Weight” was at the top of my list, and it was always the
first thing to drop off after the new year began. Why?
Because while I knew I wasn’t where I needed to be weight-wise, there were many other
more pressing items ahead of that goal.
Last year I finally recognized that I needed to be serious about weight
loss in order to help me live a healthier lifestyle. I researched and studied and learned what
would work for me. And then I put my
plan into action. My motivation changed—and
so did my weight. I’m not done with my
weight loss journey yet, but I’ve seen the difference the changes in my
lifestyle have made and I’m committed to continuing down that path.
Here’s where the rubber meets the road. I’ve made my goals measurable and specific, so
I know when I’ve reached the finish line, or at least made progress. I’ve prayed and examined myself and have
found the motivation in my heart to pursue those goals. Yep. I’m
sure about it. These are things I really
want to do this year. But what happens when I have
a bad day, when I fall off the diet bandwagon or don’t get my word count in?
Life happens.
I hit walls, I am tempted down the wrong path, or something truly urgent
interferes with my plans. Like the characters in my
novels, things get difficult sometimes.
I’ve come to realized it’s what I choose to do when I hit those bumps in
the road that makes the difference when I look back at the end of the
year. If I have strong goals I really
care about, and if I continually look to God for course-corrections, I’ll
weather those distractions and failures and continue the path I’ve set for
So what about you?
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?
Have you considered your motivations in making those goals and the
conflicts that may arise? How did you do
with your goals in 2013? And what are
you most excited about for 2014?

Rugged and tough deputy sheriff Eli Bishop isn't scared of anything. Except dogs. When he's assigned a K-9 partner, he thinks things can't get any worse. Then he learns who'll be training him. Local vet Mary Travis is sweet as sugar...but she's also Eli's ex-fiancee's sister. Revealing his humiliating phobia to her is not an option. Neither is developing feelings for Mary--who's built her career around the dogs Eli fears. When a terrible storm hits their town, Mary and Eli must find the courage to work together and save lives--and fall in love.
Deb Kastner's book Her Valentine Sheriff is a February 2014 release. You can purchase it here.