Tuesday, September 17, 2013

American Christian Fiction Writers Conference 2013

Debby Giusti (L) and Missy Tippens (R)
arrive in Indianapolis!

Debby Giusti here!

Seeing old friends and making new ones is always the highlight of the ACFW conference. This year was no exception. The conference started Friday and was held in downtown Indianapolis at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. A host of restaurants were just steps away as well as a shopping mall so there was plenty to do in any off time. To add to the excitement, the Lucas Oil Stadium--two blocks from the hotel--hosted a COLTS game on Sunday, and the town was abuzz with football fever.

Workshops started on Friday, and the selection was outstanding. I attended James Scott Bell's all-day session on Saturday and came away with lots of new ideas on how to improve my work in progress. That night the Love Inspired Authors, along with executive editor Tina James and editor Emily Rodmell, enjoyed a yummy mega-course meal at PF Chang's. Thanks, Lenora, for arranging the gathering.
(L to R) Myra Johnson, Debby Giusti, James Scott Bell,
Missy Tippens and Janet Dean.
LI Authors gather was dinner Saturday night!
My thrill on Sunday was having coffee with best-selling author Frank Peretti. Frank's a down to earth guy who enjoys life and makes everyone he meets feel at ease. His debut novel, This Present Darkness, opened the doors to Christian fiction in 1986 and proved  that Christian readers were hungry for all types of stories in a vast array of genres. Frank received the ACFW Lifetime Achievement Award on Sunday night at the Gala Banquet and Awards Ceremony.
Debby with Frank Peretti

Allie Pleiter, Debby Giusti, Love Inspired Executive Editor Tina James,
Love Inspired Editor Emily Rodmell,
Love Inspired Heartsongs Presents Editor Kathy Davis
and Janet Dean at the banquet.
Everyone looked beautiful in their evening attire. The Genesis and Carol winners were announced amid cheers and tears of joy. Congratulations to all the winners...and finalists! We're so proud of all of you. We're especially proud of Craftie Ladies Dana Mentink and Lynette Eason. Dana's book, Lost Legacy, won in the category genre, and Lynette's book, When A Heart Stops, won for romantic suspense!

Monday everyone packed their suitcases and headed home. I flew back to Atlanta tired but happy and brimming with ideas for my next story. I hope those who attended will share some of their special memories of ACFW 2013!

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti

By Debby Giusti

Someone wants Stephanie Upton dead. A warning to leave town is just the beginning. Fearing for her life, Stephanie turns to Special Agent Brody Goodman for help and protection. But can she trust him when he’s convinced her own brother is a prime suspect? Torn between her devotion to two men—an estranged brother whose trust she yearns to regain and an agent she may be falling for—Stephanie doesn’t know who or what to believe. As feelings between her and Brody escalate, she’ll have to choose sides to stay alive.

Available now at Amazon.



  1. Thanks so much for the report. Those of us who didn't get to go are hungry for news!!! It sounds like you had so much fun and learned tons.

  2. I have to echo Pam's sentiments. I didn't get to go and your pics and post helped.

  3. Waving to Pam and Leann. I'm blogging on www.seekerville.blogspot.com tomorrow with more pics and info. Stop by if you can.

    BTW, this was the best ACFW Conference I've ever attended. The workshops were fantastic and provided great info.

  4. Hey Debby! It was wonderful being with you and some other "Craftie Ladies" at the conference. Such a special (and exhausting!) time, but it's worth coming home tired, LOL.
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  5. Patti Jo, I loved being with you at ACFW! Get some sleep!

  6. Congratulations Dana and Lynette!

    Thank you for the great post, Debby. It was a super conference, and I enjoyed seeing all the Love Inspired authors who were there.


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