Friday, September 6, 2013


The Craftie Ladies would like to set aside Fridays to acknowledge and celebrate the good things that are happening in our lives and we hope that you will join in and tell us about the blessings you have encountered as well.


  1. One great thing happening this week (tomorrow) is a birthday celebration for my daughter. Both of my sons will be home for a few hours! :)

  2. We're also celebrating a birthday, my niece's. All the women in our family are going to a fondue restaurant to mark the occasion. :D

  3. Happy birthday to all! We were blessed that my husband was able to see his parents during his travels this week. They live 600 miles away, so we seldom see them more than once a year.

  4. I'm thankful for my granddaughters. They are such a delight. We are going to a grandparents ice cream social at our older granddaughter's school this afternoon.

  5. This is truly from my heart and not cliche...I am so thankful for my Lord Jesus this week. And I'm also with Merrillee on being grateful for my grandkids. Love them so!

  6. One good thing--actually two. One of our neighbors steamed crabs and brought them over for dinner last night. We had salad and the crabs and hushpuppies. So good. Then another neighbor who works for an airline popped in with Biscoff cookies. She knows I love them.

    These nice gestures are helping me to get settled into our new neighbor. I am thankful for that!

  7. this week, I got my line edits for my next LIS, and...I'm thankful that my editor loved the book! And that the required edits aren't too involved.

  8. I leave tomorrow for a women's retreat. I'm so thankful that I'll get to learn from others and have 'down' time!

  9. It's good to have a day to voice what we are thankful for. I'm a big believer in counting my blessings every day, for they are many. Today, one of the things I'm thankful for is that my good friend Doris is recovering from triple bypass surgery and hopefully will get to go home next week. :)

  10. I'm grateful for a sunny warm Friday and Saturday. Picnicked with friends on Friday. Went swimming in the lake with dh Sat.!!

  11. I'm late, but hubby and I were traveling. Grateful that we had a few days at the beach. I love the water and always come home refreshed.

    Looking forward to the American Fiction Writers Conference next week!

  12. I'm very late joining in, but love the idea of doing this on Fridays!

    And last Friday (Sept. 6) was my birthday, so I counted my many blessings--especially thankful for my wonderful family and friends.

    Hugs, Patti Jo


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