Thursday, September 19, 2013

One Good Thing Friday

This past week, I was aiming to complete the first draft of my latest contracted Love Inspired Historical, and as I was barreling down toward the finish line, I knew I needed a scripture verse that really captured the flavour of the story. That one verse that would showcase the theme.
And God, in His Glory, delivered it. 

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

Mark 9:24
 Writers all know that feeling of when you write something that clicks and makes sense and pulls back into play a previous incident in the story, but this goes far beyond. In fact, the more I read this passage, the more I am amazed at how it can fit with so many parts of the story, which I have named so far, "Faith in the Warrior". 
I'm thankful for this, and for the way the whole of the Bible is layered with so much meaning, so much strength. And I can remember that God will build on my faith and strengthen me.
Have a blessed Friday.
Barbara Phinney


  1. There's nothing better than finding that verse.

  2. I love...

    "I believe, help my unbelief."

    It's all about trust and giving more and more of our lives to the Lord. Yes, we believe, but we can always go deeper.

    Excellent verse for your story, Barbara!

  3. I'm reading through the book of Mark this week, and TODAY I read that very same verse---and reflected on how meaningful it is!

    So glad the Lord showed you the verse you needed, Barbara.
    Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  4. I love what you said about the layered meanings of the Bible!

    But my one good thing is that my best friend had a baby last week, and after fighting a nasty bout of jaundice Mom and baby got to go home yesterday. Now if only I had plane tickets to Kansas to go see them!!!


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