Thursday, October 3, 2013

Announcing our October reader contest

Lacy Williams here with a big announcement! Drumroll please...

If you are an ACFW member or attended the 2013 conference in Indianapolis, you might've seen this ad in the conference booklet:

That's right. A bunch of the CRAFTIE Ladies are giving away books.

How do you win? Post a comment on any Thursday in October and you will be entered to win a book from each participating author.

Tell your friends, your neighbors, your Facebook followers. We want to make sure everyone knows about this giveaway for 18 books!

Stop by every Thursday for special posts and don't forget to comment!


  1. This is so cool. Will share on FB

  2. Leaving my comment for the Craftie ladies of Love Inspired! Enjoy Love Inspired books! ~Sheri ~

  3. A great list of authors - so many are my regular go to reads! I'll be sharing this on FB. Thank you!

  4. That's so exciting! I love all the authors anyway!

  5. What a very neat idea. I'll love any book I receive. :)

  6. I was there! I saw it! :) Thanks for putting on such a great contest.

  7. Different got to say that for you Ladies, who would have ever thought pick a thursday and make it special. I would love to win books, love to read so here I am...
    thanks for sharing Craftie Ladies.

    Paula O(

  8. This is awesome! I'm so excited! I haven't read books by all the authors listed, but those I have read are great! You all are so talented! Thank you so much for using your gift for God's honor. :)
    Sarah B.

  9. Oops! I forgot to include my email address! booklover1492[at]rocketmail[dot]com

  10. What a great offer....I love to read and would love to be entered in the contest! Thanks.

  11. I love this blog and these authors. Would love to win any or all and when I win they get reviews.
    jrs362 at Hotmail dot com

  12. Fantastic! I sure read a lot of them! Love all the authors too!

  13. Wow! That would be so awesome to have a chance to get books from these great authors!
    I don't dress up anymore mostly because of money being tight and just making sure are kids get to.
    jennydtipton at gmail dot com


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