Friday, October 18, 2013

Good Thing Friday

The Craftie Ladies would like to set aside Fridays to acknowledge and celebrate the good things that are happening in our lives and we hope that you will join in and tell us about the blessings you have encountered as well.


  1. Me, me. I'll be first today. I'm thankful for a day job I can tolerate so I can do my favorite job, writing! I'm thankful that Florida's heat has "broken" so we can enjoy milder weather. And I'm always thankful for Jesus.

  2. I'm thankful to have the cutest granddaughter in the world who I get to see with Skype (darn it, she lives so far away!)every week who lifts my spirits and makes me glad to be alive! I love you Mae!!!

  3. Today I'm grateful for my good health.

  4. Early am outside with dog and I always look at the sky and see sun coming up, this morning no visable sun but many little clouds all in pink it was beautiful to see and reminded me of the verse that says something like Lord what is man when your heavens with the sun moon and stars is so beautiful..I thank God for another day.
    Paula O

  5. Love reading these. I"m grateful for so many things but at the moment I'm thankful for cool weather and big pot of beef stew filling the house with a wonderful scent and the gift of family to share it with!
    Cornbread, anyone?

  6. Everyone's messages of gratitude fill me with such joy. I love reading these!

    I am thankful to have my hubbie here this week and that we (well, mostly him) were able to get so much done outside while still enjoying the beauty of the season.

  7. this week that the specialist says the wrist is healing on its own without needing surgery (today I can tell I have overdone it a little in the past couple days but its still good)

  8. Well, I'm a day late commenting but wanted to say I'm thankful for some gorgeous Autumn weather we've had in my part of Georgia recently. When I go outside I look up and say THANK YOU LORD! :)
    Blessings, Patti Jo

    p.s. Linda, I've love some of that beef stew and cornbread, please! ;) YUM!!

  9. I'm grateful that I found Edy's fruit ice bars on sale at two for one today at Publix. I tried the peach and being from the peach state,'s just peachy good.

    I am thankful, too, that I visited this site today. It is really an encouraging place to take a break.
    Blessings, JaniceG

  10. I have an unspoken thankful for one good thing this week. It was a small thing but huge in my heart. Thank you, Lord :)


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