Friday, January 30, 2009

A Blogging We Will Go

I've never minded being a last minute blogger. As a matter of fact, I wish it were my turn more often. Why? Well, I like Blogging. True. Really. And, I was a Blogger-Come-Lately. A few years ago, when a master Blogger spoke at my local RWA chapter, I wrote a chapter while she gave her spiel. I even (gasp) threw away her handout.

Then, when I sold to Love Inspired Suspense, suddenly I felt the need to Blog. I had to have a presence, do something. And, whallah (sp?) a Blogger was born. It helped that my friend Lisa Mondello sold when I did, where I did, and got bitten by the Blogger bug also.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about why I Blog. Recently, on a loop I am on, somebody posted that unless you started Blogging in the early 2000s, then Blogging is a waste of time. It's caused a flurry of discussion and I'm reading with interest, but truthfully, no matter the outcome. I like to Blog. It feels like I'm touching base with people I can't see, readers and fellow writers both. There are times when I read the comments or make a comment, where I feel like I'm with my friends - good friends.


  1. I'm a day late commenting but I would like to say I very much like to read author's blogs to see what they have to say. I like it even more when the author's comment on the comments because it makes me feel like they care about their readers.


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