Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lyn Cote & Her Son's Halloween Wedding

Lyn Cote here! I'm about to become a mother-in-law. That title usually elicits groans, tight smiles or dumb jokes. But I am happy and ready to be a mother-in-law. Above is a photo of my future daughter-in-law, standing with her back to the lake we live on. Don't you love that smile?

This is our son with the wind in his hair! This photo was taken when he was driving our boat on the lake this summer. This was the third summer that Andrew has brought Janet north to visit us and I think the "Up north" bug has bitten her. She was excited about coming --except for the 6-7 hour drive. Oh, well, she'll get used to it. I did!

And here is Janet in her bridal gown. Isn't she lovely?

Andy and Janet chose the final Saturday in October as their wedding day. This year that is Halloween! Janet is a bit tired of guests asking her if they should come in costume. She, however, can testify that I DIDN'T ask that.

I will be wearing an appropriate mother of the groom dress in Eggplant. * GRIN* I've eaten eggplant but this is the first time I will be wearing it.

Anyway, I haven't asked the wedding couple if they have given any thought yet to the fact that on every wedding anniversary, they will be home passing out candy. They'll have to deal with that!


  1. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding, Lyn! Janet will make a lovely bride. What a special time for your family!
    Blessings from Georgia,
    Patti Jo :)

  2. Thanks, Patti Jo,
    I'm really looking forward to it. And I agree Janet is going to be a lovely bride.

  3. congraduation but I sure hope you have a better relationship with your daughter-in-law than I do. I have 3, you know the saying " A son is your son untill he takes a wife, your daughter is your daughter for the rest of your life" that is true with me, they always go to her people and don't have a lot to do with us, we don't even get to see the grandchilden like her parents, but now my daughter is to us like my daughter=in=laws are to their folks.

    May God bless


  4. Hi Lyn!
    Congratulations! That's really cool! My dad and stepmom were married a year ago last week. So, they know Fall weddings too!

    I got the books! Woohoo! Thanks so much...what exactly are the "bonus buck" though? I don't know what they are...?

  5. I think a Halloween wedding is cool. Now your son has no excuse to forget his anniversary. hehehe.

  6. Hi, Hannah,
    Glad you got the books. The bonus bucks can be used when you order books from www.eharlequin.com.

    And yes, Pamela, Andy will never forget his anniversary. Seeing pumpkins everywhere should be a big HINT.

  7. Oh okay! That's pretty cool : ) I just had never seen them before and wasn't sure what they were.

    Lol...pumpkins are hints...hahahaah!


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