Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

In two days we celebrate Thanksgiving. My little family unit will be going to a family friends house where we'll have a combnation of the all American turkey (we're in charge of the bird) and an Irish dinner of corned beef and cabbage (the host is making). Other guests will be providing the side dishes. It should be a fun filled day. A day that I'll hopefully remember because I have no recollection of last year's Thanksgiving. Last fall I had a major medical emergency and was in and out of the hosptial or loopy on drugs from the beginning of October to about April. Needless to say the most importand thing I'm thankful for this year is--- I'm here.
What are you thankful for?


  1. I hope you will have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving, Terri! I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you last year, but am glad you're okay now. ~ I'm thankful most of all for my Salvation, of course...but after that would be my "3 precious redheads" - my daughters and son are my life, and they are such blessings for me! ~ Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo

  2. Patti Jo, thank you for stopping by. I love that you have redheads. I was hoping my kiddo would be redheaded but their daddy's dark hair prevailed.
    And I should add that I'm also thankful for my family. God has blessed me greatly.
    You have wonderful holiday as well.

  3. Let us give thanks unto the Lord! Thank you for sharing of your experience and your thankfulness; it is always encouraging to hear of others' thanksgivings. I am thankful for my husband and two little kid, our new puppy, the blessings of reading and writing, and especially for the blessings that God pours on us from the cross.

  4. Sarah, having a new puppy in the house is so much fun and alot of work. We have two dogs. A big Australian shepard and a little llaso/bichon mix. They play well together and bring us lots of joy. I hope you have a blessed thanksgiving.

  5. That sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun, Terri!

    My family does the same thing for both THanksgiving and Xmas. We have the exact meal, but only those 2 times per year. Everyone gets together at grandma and grandpa's house : D

    Have been busy prepping all day! Breaks almost over, gotta get back!
    Hope you have a GREAT and maybe a little less exciting than last year ( : / ) Thanksgiving!


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