Cheryl Wyatt here to say look what I woke up to today! Not the roses, the SNOW! I love snow. I stayed up late last night just to watch it fall because it rarely snows here. Everytime I watch flakes fall, it reminds me of God's mercy, falling...falling...falling around and over us, covering completely and making us pure. As white and gleaming as the driven snow. Snow brightens everything it covers. Mercy is like that too.
We don't deserve it but it's beautiful, and it's ours for the taking.
I'd love to know if it snows where you live and if you like snow or not and why.
The photo, with the contrast of the red roses and the white snow glistening through the window behind it reminded me of one of my favorite Bible verses:
"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18 NIV
I pray you have a strong sense of God's mercy toward you. May it cover you like the diamond-white snow covers the ground. A snow-covered ground brightens everything around it, the entire landscape. You're like that too when God's mercy resides in you. Praying you have a safe, happy winter brimming with tender moments alone with God and that you live in constant wonder of the magnificent things He's made for us to enjoy. For me, it's glimpsing a rare snowfall like I woke up to today. That I'm even breathing is a gift and I'm thankful.

My January Love Inspired (A Soldier's Devotion-IN STORES NOW) is set in Southern Illinois and while I absolutely LOVE the cover, January doesn't really look vibrant like that. But what I love about the cover is that by the time another month of winter settles in for a visit, people around here will be longing for the vibrancy and new life that spring will bring. They'll be tired of the grays, browns and whites of winter. God's changing seasons remind me that His seasons in our lives change too. Winter is sometimes harsh and cold. Vince, my main character would probably say, "Winter was cool for awhile but enough already. Bring on the color!"
Have a wonderful week!
Cheryl Wyatt
Hi Cheryl!! *waving*
ReplyDeleteGlad you got some snow : ) Of course it snows here in Vermont! Lol! We're kinda gettin to the okay enough snow part already...that's bad : / A cold front coming our way : P Yuck!!
I totally agree on the cover!! Am about 10 pages away from finishing Ready-Made Family. !!!!!!!!!! Great job, Cheryl! Great job!
It has not snowned yet in SC but has been really cold, we usually don't get buy mayone one snow fall or and ice storm in a winter, but it has been raining the most since they have been keeping records in this part of the county. Calling for something tomorrow, but will just have to wait and see, it is cloudy now.
ReplyDeleteBut the roses are beautiful, must have been a special occasion,
No snow here in Texas (at least the part where I live). And the weather hasn't been all that cold but tonight and the the rest of the week it will be below freezing at night and just about during the day.
ReplyDeleteI have read "A Soldier's Devotion" and loved it as I have the rest of the Wings books.
It starting snowing around my part of Atlanta about an hour ago!! It's so exciting! We're like Edna. Maybe get one snowfall a year (or every couple of years). So we're all thrilled!
ReplyDeleteLove your photos, Cheryl! I can't wait to read your newest book!
Hi Hannah! Blog comments just aren't the same unless you show up. You are becoming so special to me and you remind me of my niece who lives with us. You two are very much alike in a lot of ways.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet it's cold in Vermont.
Edna, it's always a pleasure to hear from you too! Thank you for coming by. You stay safe if that snow ices over, okay? Rain can so quickly turn to sleet. I love snow but hate ice.
ReplyDeleteA boy was struck by a car this morning in Southern Illinois as he was going toward his school bus. I think he's going to be okay other than a couple of broken legs. Could have been so much worse and I've been praying for him ever since I heard about it. If you all will pray for him too, I'd appreciate it.
Ellen, I used to live out west, so I can relate. Although on Mount Taylor in New Mexico near where he used to live snow was practically on the mountain, above the tree line, all year. It was fun to go tubing down the roads. I miss that.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're enjoying Wings of Refuge. Your faithful readership means so very much and I hope that I can continue to grow as an author so you love each book better than the last. Thanks for all the good words you put out there about our books. You may never know how much that helps us and how much that means to us.
It's always a special treat to hear from you too.
Missy, I'm like you. It only snows here like this once every other or few years. We rarely have snow days.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for reading my books. I hope you enjoy Vince's story.
Hugs and I appreciate you stopping by.
Hi Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteI have never seen falling snow only old snow.
although with being in a heatwave some snow would be wonderful.
love the cover of the new book.
Awwwww're too sweet : )
ReplyDeleteFinished the book last night and it was fabulous! It made me cry so hard, though! Oh my gosh, the dad and Hutton and just everyone : ( SO GOOD! : )
Are you ever gonna make a story on Nurse Bailey? She sounds really cool to me!! Plus you know how I like those medical books.... *grin*
Talk to you soon!
Jenny, I wish I could send you a video of falling snow. The image above is only a light sprinkle. But sometimes it comes down in huge flakes so that it looks like millions of feathers floating from Heaven when you stare into it. I hope you get to see falling snow someday. It's mesmerising.
Hannah, I'm glad you liked the book. It's the one I just discovered is up for a Reviewers Choice Award. I'm sorry it made you cry. LOL! I got letters from little ladies who also said they sobbed and sobbed and sobbed when that one thing happened but that they understand why it had to. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI didn't put him on stage on purpose so readers wouldn't get attached to him, but I guess they got attached enough to Ben and Hutton that they grieved over their sadness in that moment. It has made me rethink ever working a book that way again, but I'm glad it touched you. I am being cryptic here for those who maybe haven't read it because I don't wanna put out spoilers. LOL!
And you know, one of my editors suggested that Bailey should have her own story. So I do hope to be able to feature her in the next series if Steeple Hill chooses to buy it. I'm thinking we should hook her up with one of the single doctors...Riviera or Callahan. What say ye?
Thanks for your readership, Hannah! And for being a faithful reader of our blog.
I'll take that image as I cook today in this heatwave!
ReplyDeletethank goodness for this cool house dont know how I survived before.
Jenny, glad you're staying cool. I'd rather be cold than hot. I think I am allergic to the sun now or something. LOL.
ReplyDeleteHey, when you get a moment, e-mail me w your most current mailing address again. I am updating my 2010 contacts list.
*excited squeal* That would be awesome!!! I loved Bailey in this! She was just so cool....really cool character even though she wasn't in the spotlight. And I think it would be awesome for her to have her moment! the name. I think he might be a nice match, but who am I to say!? I'm seriously getting goosebumps right now at the prospects of being on a behind the scenes convo about an upcoming book idea! Woooo! What a rush! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't be a faithful reader without the writers *grins and turns the spotlight onto YOU*
Talk to you soon!
Hannah, that seals it. I'm naming my next heroine after you.
*breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out....* Seriously having to tell myself this right now! LOL! Cheryl, you really don't have to do that lol! You know I'm gonna read it anyway, you don't have to bribe me *wink*
ReplyDeleteSooooooo stressed right now, but good things happening too. I'll fill you in, but I havta finish some things then head to bed PRONTO!! I need to be up before 6 in the morning to get things done....stress!!!!!! Ughhhhh!!!!!
Thanks you for some wonderfully underserved news tonight though!!! It's probably made my week : D
Talk to you soon,