Have I ever mentioned that I used to be an elementary schoolteacher? More specifically, I taught kindergarten. Since Mike's birth, I've daydreamed of his entering school already knowing how to read, with beautiful penmanship, no desire whatsoever to wriggle in his seat, and polite. Oh, yes, my son would be polite.
For the last five years, BK (before K), we've gone camping, built train worlds, loved anything Spiderman, watched a million episodes of Scooby Doo, put together puzzles, dug in the dirt, went for walks/rides/ and chased each other with nerf guns.
Whenever I brought out the handwriting papers, Mike turned up his nose. Coloring? "Here's two scribbles, Mom. Good enough?" Getting him to write his name was comparable to getting me to eat green peas: very painful.
Now, he's in kindergarten, and I'm pleased. He's writing his name, learning the ABC's and their sounds, adding outloud, and coloring.
Guess what? He's not at the head of the class.
But that class is behind a door and has twenty little people who all have mother's lurking behind them all worrying about the "How is he/she doing?" critique.
Yesterday, while sitting at the table, my son took a pencil and wrote Good.
I'm sure he saw it on a paper!
Then, he wrote God.
Okay, so I'm looking at a phrase, an interjection if you will: Good God.
He wasn't done. He wrote Good again.
I'm looking at him, and finally said. "Good God good?"
"Yup," he said with confidence. "I wrote good twice because God is really good."
I'm no longer a kindergarten teacher. I'm now an English professor; have been for years.
My son is the next John Grisham.
Ya think?
Good morning Pam. I can't believe Mikey is that old already. He sure has his priorities right. :)
ReplyDeleteHowdy Kim. LOL, aren't you the one who told me parenting was easy.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I can't believe how old yours are!
Wow, Pam!! That's awesome, I'm so proud of him right along with you loL! I feel like we've heard so much about little Mikey. Look at him now! My mom would be very impressed with that too (she's a kindergarten teacher).
Notice how I called him Mike instead of Mikey . He's growing up.
ReplyDeleteGod IS REALLY good!
ReplyDeleteWhen my son was little, he made all his friends say grace around the lunch table. Sigh. I miss those sweet days.
Have a great Thanksgiving and spoil that boy.
Peace, Julie
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Thanksgiving wish and believe me, that boy is spoiled.
How about the next Billy Graham?
ReplyDeleteBTW, if you want to thank someone in a special way, drop by http://bit.ly/N4yOf and nominate someone to receive a free autographed copy of my Dec LIH Her Healing Ways. Deadline Sunday 28th!
ReplyDeleteHmmm, a preacher...
ReplyDeleteSo cute, Pamela! I bet he's so fun. I miss mine being that little! (Youngest is 14 now.)
ReplyDeleteYes, he's lots of fun. Yesterday we built a lego garage. Four walls. He assigned me one wall. Then, he insisted on helping because it was more fun to work on one wall with me than three walls alone. Interesting. My wall didn't turn out like I envisioned.