Sunday, February 5, 2012

Falling for a Fireman Interview

How exciting to have Jeannie Nelworth the heroine from Falling for the Fireman written by Allie Pleiter a February 2012 release from Love Inspired Romance .

1. Jeannie, tell me the most interesting thing about you.

I don’t know about interesting, but my job is certainly tasty--I make candy and run a candy shop in Gordon Falls. Or did run one, until it burned down recently.

2. What do you do for fun?

I think my job is great fun, and it’s been hard to be “on hold” while we get ready to open a new store. Thinking and dreaming about that new store is the most fun I have right now. I also enjoy playing with my 13 year old son--but I’m not very good at his video games.

3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?

Dealing with all the aftermath of the fire. I dread the paperwork, documenting all Nicky and I have lost, the boring apartment where we have to live now until the new store (and our home above it) is finished.

4. What are you afraid of most in life?

I fear that Nicky has been hurt by the fire--not physically wounded, but damaged on the inside. It’s not fair that he lost his father when he was six and now he has this other enormous loss to endure. I know I can cope--even though it’s hard--but I worry so much about him.

5. What is the most important thing to you?

Nicky. He’s all I have right now.

6. Do you read books? If so, what is your favorite type of book?

Well, candy recipe books and decorating books are my favorite ones at the moment, but I like biographies of people who have done great things, too.

7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I need to be more patient right now, but it’s so hard. I need to be in my new store doing what I love, but it seems to be taking so very long.

8. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?

Nicky wants a pet badly, but the apartment complex we’re renting in right now only allows goldfish, which Nicky says are “lame.” That’s why I’m so grateful Chad Owens hired Nicky to be the fire department’s official dog walker. Plug is one portly hound, and Nicky adores him--it’s a good thing for both of them.

9. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?

To own a chocolate shop in Paris in the 1920’s would be such an amazing adventure. So glamorous!

1 comment:

  1. love the interview (which is good and bad cos now I really need this book)


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