Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Overwhelmed? What God has been teaching me about that...

Whoops! I’m a little late today. But seems like that’s par for the course these days. Being late has never been an issue for me. I’m always the early bird. Up early in the morning, early to church, early to appointments…um…okay, so I may be a little late for the dentist. But most of the time, I’m well prepared ahead of time.

Only I forgot about blogging. I seem to forget a lot of things lately and I think that’s because I have way too much on my plate. I’m homeschooling (coming to an end June 1!), I’m working full time (also coming to an end June 1!), and writing full time (not coming to an end any time soon, I pray!). So you might say I’ve been a bit overwhelmed.

Just curious. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we take on more than we can do in the time allotted to us? Is it because we feel we have something to prove? Or because we’re trying to please those who matter to us? Family, friends, co-workers, editors, agents, etc.

I think it’s a combination. I like to think I can do it all. I like to think I’m Superwoman. But you know what? I’m not. And it feels great to admit that! God has been teaching me a lot over the last few months, one of which He is faithful. As long as I’m doing what He’s called me to do –which is be a mom, a wife and a writer—He’s going to take care of the details.

Once I came to that realization, I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Now I look back and shake my head. I knew God was telling me something had to go and so I turned in my resignation from the full time job. If only I’d listened instead of arguing with Him. J

How about you? Are you anything like me and pile on the responsibility until you feel crushed by it? If you used to do that, what are some things you learned from it? If you do it now, are you looking for way out? Are you arguing with God about letting something go?

Just curious.



  1. Yup, Lynette. I find myself in that situation, only sometimes the events happened independently of each other. When I look at the calendar, I've got 6 things to do in 2 days times. I feel your pain.

  2. Congrats on your decision, Lynette. I'm sure it wasn't an easy one. Life slows down a lot once homeschooling ends, too. :) I'm enjoying the slower pace.

  3. The hurrier I go the behinder I get.

  4. I'm tired just reading what you do. I'm a real slacker in comparison. :)

  5. The scripture for my first Love Inspired book (The Path to Love)was the fruit of the spirit. One of them is patience. I remind myself of that over and over. It's helped me change but I have a long way to go.

  6. I agree with Merrillee about being tired just reading what you do.
    I use to have the problem with book I had to review. I didn't keep as good a list as I should and also the face many came out of order. some 6 weeks ahead some a couple of days. I found having a calendar listing the date really helps. (now the calendar is almost empty as most of the books for the book alliances I review for wont send the books to Australia) Which means I get to read what I want but I miss reading some books I really would love to read.

  7. Lynette, I didn't know you had a full time job along with full time writing and teaching your kids.

    You are Super Woman!!!

    Leaving the job sounds like a good idea, IMHO!

    I always think I can accomplish more in a day than I usually get done. Evidently I'm an optimist!


  8. Lynette, full time homeschooling, full time job, and full time writing? My head spins to think of doing all that. I get overwhelmed by much, much less. You are so right that the Lord will provide. Congratulations on stepping out in faith.

  9. Thanks to all who stopped by to comment. Once again, I'm late to the game. BUT June 1 is TOMORROW! Woohoo! Only now, we're selling our house and house hunting!! LOL. It never stops! Okay, I'll stop with the exclamation marks. Thanks again for the encouragement. :)

  10. Thanks to all who stopped by to comment. Once again, I'm late to the game. BUT June 1 is TOMORROW! Woohoo! Only now, we're selling our house and house hunting!! LOL. It never stops! Okay, I'll stop with the exclamation marks. Thanks again for the encouragement. :)


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