Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Fun

Hello everyone, Karen Kirst here to talk about summer holidays.  To me, summer means a break from homeschooling, so I’m as eager for it as my kids are! Since my husband is a Marine, we live on a military base.  There are free pools for us to use and the beach is a short twenty minute drive away.  There are tons of parks, as well.  We take advantage of the inexpensive movie theaters on base and the summer reading program at the library. 

My favorite summer event is the 4th of July celebration the base hosts every year.  While the kids take advantage of the bouncy houses, we get to listen to the 2nd Marine Division band play outfitted in their dress blues.  Of course, what’s an event like this without funnel cakes and nachos and superhero-shaped ice cream that melts faster than the kids can eat it?  The best part, in my opinion, is the fireworks.  Those Marines really know how to put on a show!

What about you?  What are your favorites parts of summer?    


  1. Here summer is in your winter Dec - end of Feb. School is out for about 6 weeks from just before Christmas to the end of jan. Here Summer is firstly Christmas then holidays. We have our Australia day in Summer also Jan 26 which is like your July 4th and fireworks in the bigger cities. Most towns have swimming lessons in January. Also its Cricket season and I love watching it either live or on tv in Summer. Also the warmer and longer days.

  2. Hi Ausjenny! Your Australia day sounds fun. I like the long days of summer, too. It's wonderful to sit outside in the evening once the heat of the day has eased up a bit.

  3. My favorite part of summer is THE END of it! LOL. I prefer the fall and cooler weather. I'm not a hot weather girl AT ALL. The break for school is nice, but...I keep telling my husband we need to move to Alaska.

  4. Hi Lynette, fall is a bit sad for me since winter is not my favorite time. While I'm not a fan of the humid heat in the height of summer, I love the long days. The worst day of the year for me is when we turn the clocks back and it gets dark at 5:30pm! On the other hand, winter means more writing time since I'm not outside supervising the kids. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My favorite part of summer is no detailed homework! We do school stuff, but it's around our schedule.
    This year I purchased a summer pass to the pool. I intend to take my son often.
    Summer in AZ can get up to 120. Lynette, you would hate it.

  7. Wow, Pamela, that's scorching. I bet ya'll will enjoy that pool pass!

  8. I'm with Lynette in that I'm not really an outdoorsy person, and absolutely HATE getting all hot and sweaty in the summer heat. Here in Louisiana we not only hve more than our share of 100+ degree days but the humidity can be awful. But I do enjoy the longer days and having more occassions for family get togethers.

  9. Hi everyone,
    Just got back from a family vaca at the beach. I love the summer and the water...ocean, Gulf, swimming pool!

    Summers are my favorite! How I loved when the children were young. We'd "work" in the AM and then spend the afternoon at the pool. Such wonderful memories.

    Thank your hubby, Karen, for his service! Thank you, too! Military wives do so much to support their husbands and our country.


    1. Thanks, Debby! Your vacation sounds great! My childhood memories are similar...loved those days at the pool.

  10. Karen I agree with you on Fall. I tend to feel sad when summer ends too. I think I do winter slightly better than the beginning of the dull weather. I do like the fires but not the struggle to dry clothes, cold etc.
    We also have a dryer heat here If it was humid it would be different.
    Pamela, that is hot. I guess its a dry heat which is easier to handle but I find over about 96 is just too hot.

    1. Hi Ausjenny, I do ok until the holidays are over and then not much to look forward to. And yes, the humidity is a killer!

  11. Karen, I love the long days too - except when the birds wake me at 4:45 in the morning! Next month it'll stay light until ten o'clock at night. Woohoo! Since I live in the north, summer is the only time it gets warm (meaning warm enough to turn the furnace off), so I love it.

    1. Hi Christine, wow that's early! Lol we have a pet parrot who sometimes wakes us by saying good morning. :)

  12. Karen, I bet the fireworks would be amazing! I'm sure the Marines know how to do it right. :)

    I love the photo of your son!

    1. Thanks Missy! He's a little older now but he's still a cutie :) (takes after his Dad)


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