Monday, May 21, 2012

Wedding Belles, Part Two!

Wedding Bells at the Rustand household.....again! Our second son got married in January, and now we're at it again--another child's wedding. Only this time, it's our only daughter, I'm a lot more involved. I'm sure glad we had that earlier experience in preparation for Emily's! This blog is being posted a bit late, because Emily and I got home late last night from a 950 mile trip to a lovely shower given by Emily's northern aunties. It was such fun!
Brian's fiancée Julie was incredibly organized and well-prepared, but we still got to help out with the decorating and afterwards, the process of dismantling what had been a candlelit fairyland the night before. This time, we are doing all the planning. Wow! Times have sure changed since my own wedding, back in the dark ages. Wedding shows were held in the mid-seventies, but now there are so many of them to choose from--and the goods and services are mind boggling! I figured we'd be set, once the dress and the DJ and florist and venue and cake person and photographer and tux decisions
(this is a photo at one of the tux places) and videographer and soloist and violists and make-up artist were chosen, but there are meetings upon meetings with these people as the details are slowly, carefully ironed out. Here is Emily, trying on a bridesmaid's dress, as she won't let me share one of her wedding gown--yet!
There are still floral arrangements and other decorations to plan, though the backdrops, invitations guest lists , menus and myriad other details are decided. Whew! But I love it. Love it, but also feel a twinge of sadness and nostalgia as the big day draws near. Wasn't it just last year when Emily was toddling around the house in her white-blonde braids and diapers? Heading off for her first day of kindergarten? Riding her pony Penelope in the backyard? Now here she is in grad school, planning her wedding, with stars in her eyes over what her future will hold. In just a month, our baby will be gone...and we will truly have an empty nest. It's funny, how once we had kids, they became the focal part of our lives, and it seemed as if life would revolve around them forever. And yet all too soon they have flown away into careers and families of their own. Makes me wish I'd had three more, just to be able to savor these years longer! So how about you--what are some of the stages in life that have taken you by surprise? And do you have any wedding advice to share? We could sure use it!


  1. Beautiful photos!! But you're right. It comes and goes so quickly. I'm trying to savor every moment!!

  2. Ahh, Roxanne, one day soon you'll have grandbabies to enjoy even more!!!

  3. Thanks, Missy! I just know all of this is going to be a crazy, hectic whirl--and then it will be over in the blink of an eye.

  4. Sandra, you are so right. Every stage is a joy!

  5. Been there and my son was the first and the daughter was the second. The amount of work is serious different. If you're the mother of the groom, it's a snap.

  6. Enjoy it all, even the craziness. Both of our daughters got married on the beach near our home, and we had the reception at our house both times.

  7. boy I didn't know weddings took so much arranging. my advice elope.

    A couple of things I learnt from house sitting for a wedding and my brothers. make sure the grooms family know where the photos are going to be taken and how to get there (I had the distraught grooms parents come to the house unable to find where they should be and they actually missed the official photos cos no on gave them the correct directions. It was the first time they had been to my town. they then rang the groom to find how to get to the reception abut 30 mins from here). At my brothers I was in one official photo only, mum was in a few more but not that many but the brides family were in almost all as were alot of her friends. At the time it really hurt me as I had to hang around then they took one photo and a someone used my camera to take a couple and that was it. I wasn't even in the one with both families, mum was but I wasn't and was told i wasn't required after they took that one photo. So I tell people make sure you dont forget the grooms siblings.

  8. Congratulations! What an exciting, happy (and yes--exhausting!) time. As the "Mother of the Bride" 2 years in a row (whew!--one daughter married Nov. 2010, the other one married Dec. 2011) the best advice I can give is try to savor every moment. And keep an organizer handy to keep up with everything (I'm a visual person--have to write myself notes, LOL). Some friends have told me that when my son marries it will be much simpler, and I'm sure it will. But I'm so blessed that both daughters' weddings went perfectly! ~ Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo

  9. I had come to believe that my only daughter would never marry. She and her chosen man had lived together for almost eleven years. At the time, they had a daughter who was ten. When my daughter came over to tell us she was getting married, I was shocked. Happy, but shocked. I said, "At least your daughter is still young enough to be a flower girl and not a bridesmaid."

    I could have done better.
    I have no advice except to plan on having a wonderful time and sleeping late the day after.

  10. What a fun and exciting time, Roxanne. I've been the MOB (Mother of the Bride) and the GOB. The MOB is the stresser. The last few days when we were assigning seats at the sit-down dinner and trying to decide who should sit with whom was the most hectic time. Of course, some folks brought friends without telling us and some folks didn't make the reception so lots more seating work had to be done at the last minute. That being said, the wedding was gorgeous and such a special evening.

    We had a receiving line so the family and bride and groom could chat with each guest before they entered the dining room. Maybe it's the Army in me, but I thought everyone felt welcomed because of that personal greeting.

  11. Since I have two boys, I'm glad to hear that MOG is an easier job that MOB! :o) They are 10 and almost 13 so I've got a few years go to. BUT, if these next 13 years go as fast as the first 13, it will be hear before I know it!!

    I hope you continue to have fun planning with your beautiful daughter!

  12. Oh, Roxanne, how beautiful are your children!


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