Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy fall, y'all-- Lenora Worth

It's fall! And it's Monday. Elnora is not at her best on Monday mornings, but I do love the changing of the seasons. So I was wondering what you like about fall. What is your favorite fall thing? I love the first fresh crisp hint of chill in the early morning air. Not that I rise and shine at the crack of dawn but I do love to sit on my porch and drink coffee without sweating it all out before I finish the cup. That nice crisp cool air is just wonderful after the heat and humidity of summer.

Fall is a time to reflect, cocoon for winter and gear up for the holiday season. And if you are a writer, fall is a time for great stories involving pumpkins and family and home and hearth. Or maybe a little bit of mystery and suspense, too.

So, what do you love about fall? (I forgot football, of course!)


  1. Lenora, or should I say Elnora, I love the cooler air and the rain and the winter sun and the fall colors and hot chocolate. Oh, and sweaters and sweats and boots and scarves. Hmmm, I pretty much like everything about fall.

  2. Hi Lenora! I love fall because of the relief from our summer heat and humidity of course. But also because it is such a 'family' season for me. A large percentage birthdays in my immediate and extended families hit during this time, as does my and my parents' wedding anniversary. My hubby's family has their reunion every October. Then there is the anticipation of those great family holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  3. I mostly just dread winter! LOL

    But I do love the gorgeous blue skies of October. Everything looks more beautiful somehow.

  4. I love the cooler weather, when I can sit out on the back porch and drink hot tea and enjoy the morning. But the thing I loved growing up in Colorado was the change in the leaves and the wonderful smell in the air.

  5. Hello. Sweaters and boots are good, Terri. Winnie, you are so blessed to have a large, extended family to visit with each year. Can you adopt me? Missy, I will be shivering and complaining mid-winter, I'm sure. And Leann, Colorado is lovely any time of the year!

    Great comments, ladies. :)

  6. I'm with Missy. I'm not looking forward to winter. The cooler morning temps are nice, but I know that means colder weather is coming. I like it hot!

  7. Hey Lenora,
    I love the cooler weather and I also love to see all the many different kinds of leaves change color.

  8. Merrillee, does it get really cold in your new home?

    Danie, I love the leaves, too. So pretty!

    1. I forgot to add that just getting out all the nice fall clothes and being able to were boots and have pumpkin every thing is my favorite.

  9. I LOVE the Fall season!! The cooler air, pumpkins, and the gorgeous colorful leaves are just a few of the reasons. We also have lots of family birthdays, and looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas make it a festive season. *smile*
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  10. That sounds like fun, Patti Jo!

  11. What do I like best about fall the fact its still just under 5 months away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I love the colors of the leaves turning against the backdrop of a bright blue sky. I took a walk yesterday and was reminded of the scent of the season - that rich, dusky smell of the earth settling down for its annual nap.


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