Thursday, October 10, 2013

October Reader Thursdays: It's Raining Apples...and Books!

Happy Reader Thursday! If you stopped by last Thursday, you know that in October the Craftie Ladies are giving away a bushel of books. Here's how it works. Every Thursday in October, visit the Craftie Ladies and make a comment. With five Thursdays this month, you have five chances to win some of those books! The following Thursday, we will announce the winner from the previous week's comments. More on that a little later...  

Now what's this about it raining apples? Well, I have two apple trees, and just like the bounty of books this month, my trees have produced more than any other year. Take a look.

apple tree

That's just one tree and only the apples that fell to the ground during last weekend's storms. I have bags and bags of apples in the refrigerator. Last year there were very few apples thanks to a late spring frost. It reminds me a little of the years of feast and famine in the Old Testament. This year's crop is a real blessing! I'll can a bunch of applesauce and make apple crisp and eat lots of them right off the tree, but I'd love some other ideas. What are your favorite apple recipes? How do you prefer to eat apples or don't you like them at all? Let me know, and you'll be entered in this Thursday's contest.

Now, the moment you've been waiting for...drum roll please. The winner from last Thursday is Julie Hilton Steele. Congratulations, Julie!

Christine Johnson
The Marriage Barter - May 2013
Next book coming July 2014
Twitter - ChristineJWrite


  1. I love a good apple pie with custard or ice cream. Plus a yummy savory red apple is great to eat fresh :)

  2. wow that is alot of apples. We use to stew apples and then they could be used in pie/tarts. or warmed up and eaten with some cake and cream. Or used in other cooking. It was easy and they froze well stewed. Did it with apricots etc too.
    Please enter me love LI books (course i have several of the mentioned books.)

  3. Scraproni, custard sounds yummy with apple pie. I'll have to try that.

    Jenny, what a flexible way to prepare apples. I never thought to freeze them. Good idea!

  4. Christine here you stew them or slice them and cook them in water and sugar dont ask how much not sure then freeze them in portion sizes. Thats how mum made her pies/tarts with the strewed apples and also use to eat them in winter by warming and up putting some cake or sponge with them and then cream on top.

  5. How are you feeling today, Jenny?

    Headache gone?

  6. Julie,
    Could you send me your address so we can get the books to you.

  7. Apple cake! My grandmother used to make this every fall. Hmmm, I think I'll go buy some apples (don't have a tree) and make some.
    Congratulations Julie!

  8. Terri beat me to the apple cake, I have a sister that makes this. I put apples in my salads,also eat with little peanut butter or ranch dressing on them. wish I had some of those. apple prices in Ga are high.I love the sound too of bushels of I love to read and books stacked everywhere now.
    thanks for sharing good to see comments today .Have a great fall day everyone.
    Paula O(

  9. Apple cake! Yum! Do you put a glaze on top or just eat it plain? I've been looking for a good apple cake recipe.

    Paula, I forgot about apples and peanut butter. Thanks for the reminder. I got hooked on that carmel dip they sell in the stores, but it's not nearly as good for me as peanut butter.

  10. the headache is still here. I started a new med last night which she said can make me drowsy. funny everytime she says that I have the other response! Not a great sleep. I have taken a whole tablet of the pain med this morning and can feel it taking effect. I still can feel the headache but its dulled it more than it has been for a few days. I am seeing a dentist today to see if there is any dental issue. optometrist on Wed and physio the monday after. (my wrist specialist on Monday). The meds do make me a little light headed but thats ok if it takes the pain away. Being able to nap in the day is a huge help. Yesterday I was out all morning and it made it worse once I could nap I started to improve. I know not to push it and when the body says rest I rest.
    Thanks for caring and all the prayers going up.

  11. Jenny, so sorry about the headaches. I get migraines. I used to have them everyday but I've been seeing a physical therapist who does a technique out of New Zealand called Mulligan Technique and it has made a world of difference. Since I started in June I've only had three bad headaches where I had to take the heavy duty meds. Now aleve or tylenol suffice. My headaches come from pinched nerves in my neck and TMJ. I hope you find some relief soon.

    Christine, grandmother never put a glaze but that sounds like a good idea. We'd eat the cake warm with butter. LOL

  12. My Mom (deceased) used to bake the BEST apple pies! I learned 2-3 yrs. ago how great apples are for I eat one raw apple daily!
    Please enter me for the books!
    jacsmi75 [at] gmail [dot] com

  13. Jenny, headaches are the worst! I'm so sorry you're dealing with this and will keep you in prayer.

    Terri, warm apple cake with butter sounds yummy.

    Jackie, I didn't know apples were good for reflux. I'm going to have to pay attention this fall to see if I have less reflux when I eat raw apples. Thanks for the tip!

  14. Thanks all we are covering all bases so hopefully one will be the answer. One dr thinks these may be a combo of tension headaches and migraines. I took a whole tablet this morning and the pain eased alot only taking a half for the rest of the day as dont want to become to dependent and worried what the side effects of to many would be. I can tell its wearing off a little and the next one hasn't fully kicked in but will persist. I know there are so many way worse and having a good morning has been a real blessing. even the lady I see this morning said she could see the difference today.


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