Sunday, October 20, 2013

Taming the Texas Rancher Interview

How exciting to have Hannah Young from TAMING THE TEXAS RANCHER written by  Rhonda Gibson  a  October 2013 release from Love Inspired Romance .

1. Hannah, tell me the most interesting thing about you. I would have to say the most interesting thing about me is my love of reading. That may not be interesting to others but I think it is because I try to read the most current fiction novels of my day.
2.  What do you do for fun? Read
3.  What do you put off doing because you dread it? I love horses but because of a childhood accident I’m afraid to ride them. So for many years I have avoided riding them but to prove myself to Daniel, I have to learn to ride again without being afraid of the horse.
4.  What are you afraid of most in life? Not being accepted as I am. You see, because of the horse accident I now live with a limp and hate that others see me as less of a person because of it.
5.  What do you want out of life? To be loved and to be trusted.
6.  What is the most important thing to you? I want to become the person I was when I was a child. I want to work on the ranch beside my future husband, Daniel.
7.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?  My height. I wish I was taller so others would take me more serious.
8.  Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet? I recently got a puppy named, Buttons. Buttons came from a large family and needed a home plus the little boy that gave her to me is so cute, I couldn’t refuse him.
9. Can you tell us a little interesting tidbit about the time period you live in? This is the news of the year, at least I thought so: Geronimo Surrenders! The last major Indian War in the USA ends when the Apache Chief Geronimo surrenders at Skeleton canyon after a decade-long campaign of terror to discouraged settlers in New Mexico and Arizona. He and his tribe agreed to move to Florida.


  1. Cute interview with the heroine!

    Your book cover is lovely and the story sounds intriguing too!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  2. Love the interview. Your books sounds great. I love books with a western theme. Would love to read it!

    Wanda Barefoot

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your character sounds interesting! Thanks for giving us a glimpse of Hannah behind the scenes! ;)

  5. Great interview, Rhonda! I love getting to know characters better!

  6. I loved meeting Hannah. Taming the Texas Rancher sounds like a great book! pat at ptbradley dot com

  7. Hello Ladies
    Hannah wants to marry a Rancher yet she is afraid of horses, ah she has some major changes to work out and this will be interesting story to read...
    Paula O(kyflo130atyahoodotcom)

  8. Thanks everyone for stopping by! And thank you for the nice compliments :) You all are awesome!


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