Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Cycle of Life. Christine Johnson

This time of year always reminds me of the ever-changing cycle of life. Spring's reawakening and brilliant colors usher in a burst of energy for those of us living in the north. The days get longer. The sun wakes me at five in the morning and stays up until almost ten o'clock at night. I feel energized.

autumn colors

Autumn brings a less exciting promise. The sun will sleep longer. The leaves turn color and fall to the ground as the earth prepares for the long winter's rest. My energy wanes, and I look forward to an extra hour of sleep when we move from daylight saving time to standard time.

It's at this time of year many years ago that my grandfather died from cancer - my first brush with death. Recently, friends have lost family members - sons, husbands, wives. How easy it would be to see only the falling leaves and the stark earth, yet God has given us a promise through His Son. I see that promise in the vibrant colors of autumn leaves. They remind me that spring will arrive in due time with rebirth and renewal. So too will life begin again in an entirely new and vibrant way, far beyond anything we can imagine. Through all seasons, He is there, showing us hope.

Give someone a hug today and shine a little light in their lives.

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Christine Johnson
Groom by Design - coming July 2014
Twitter: @ChristineJWrite


  1. Christine, what a beautiful post. Thanks for your insightful comments.

  2. Hi Merrilee. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Hi Christine, love the fall colors and dying plants look sad but know in the spring they will revive and be beautiful again. I love to read Ecclesiastes it reminds us that all has been done before by generations before us and will again in the ones that come after us...
    thanks for sharing today
    Paula O

  4. Paula, you are so right. Some of the passages in Ecclesiastes are just beautiful. Thank you for your insight.


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