Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Whirlwind Weekend!

Debby  Giusti here!

Hubby and I just got home from a whirlwind weekend. We live in the Atlanta area and headed north to Columbus, Ohio, on Friday to attend a family wedding. The weather was gorgeous, and the countryside along the way was beautiful. In Tennessee, the road was literally chiseled out of rock in many of the mountainous areas, and the views into the valleys were breathtaking. 

As a military brat, I lived at Fort Knox, KY, and love the bluegrass state and especially Lexington's horse country. The stretches of white fences and stables, along with the black tobacco barns are unique to the area. Once in Covington, we crossed  the Ohio River into Cincinnati and picked up Interstate 71 West. From there to Columbus, the land is flat and dotted with farms that are so picturesque with the red barns and huge silos. Ohio is known for its corn, and from the looks of the stalks in the fields, this year's crop was plentiful.

Saturday was spent at the wedding and reception with lots of time to visit with family. The next morning we attended church and then drove to my Alma Mater, The Ohio State University. Although there has been lots of growth over the years, I felt like I was coming home!   

Leaving Columbus that afternoon, we headed back to the Lexington area and spent the night with other relatives. Again, we had much to talk about and enjoyed being together.
I completed a synopsis for a new story as we traveled and thought of other ideas that might turn into future books, my inspiration fueled by the sights we passed along the way. 

It's good to be home, but seeing family was so special. What's your favorite getaway weekend? Are you close enough to spend the weekend with family? 

The weather was cold and the leaves changed while we were gone. Are you enjoying the colorful fall foliage in your part of the country?

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti

By Debby Giusti

Someone wants Stephanie Upton dead. A warning to leave town is just the beginning. Fearing for her life, Stephanie turns to Special Agent Brody Goodman for help and protection. But can she trust him when he’s convinced her own brother is a prime suspect? Torn between her devotion to two men—an estranged brother whose trust she yearns to regain and an agent she may be falling for—Stephanie doesn’t know who or what to believe. As feelings between her and Brody escalate, she’ll have to choose sides to stay alive.

Available now at Amazon.


  1. I love the colours, but they are just about done here. And the weather has turned cold. But the night sky was pretty last night!

  2. Debbie, it sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. We moved to Arizona to be close to our granddaughters, so thankfully we get to see family quite often. This weekend our granddaughters had a sleepover here. That left their mom and dad free to have a little time alone. Then we went over to our daughter's house to cheer on the Boston Red Sox in the World Series, since our son-in-law was born and raised in Boston. Needless to say, he is a huge Red Sox fan. One tree in our front yard has leaves that are turning yellow, but for the most part there isn't much fall color around here. They say you can see some great color on Mt. Lemmon, but I'm afraid we've probably missed it this year.

  3. Barb, our leaves are in full splendor! Love those fall colors.

  4. What a special weekend you had, Merrillee. I know you love being close to family. A sleepover at Grandma's house sounds like so much fun!


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