Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Sisterhood with Linda Goodnight

Family Status: married with grown children, two adopted still at home, and grandchildren
What Is Your Favorite Beverage:  Water! 
What Is Your Favorite Food:  Fried okra
What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time:  Read
Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life:  Jesus
First Book You Fell in Love With:   Something by Victoria Holt, probably Morning in Manfreya 
A Book You Wish You’d Written:  Artistically,  On Mystic Lake by Kristin Hannah. Monetarily, I wish I’d written a lot of other books!
First Book Published:  For Her Child
Most Recent Book:  The Lawman’s Honor
Out Next:  Cowboy Under the Mistletoe in November, 2014
How Many Have You Written:  45 or 50, not sure and too lazy to count
What Do You Know Now That You Wish You’d Known Then: I wish I’d known the ebook revolution was coming so I could have been better prepared.
What is Your Favorite Bible Story:  Joseph in the Old Testament who suffered so much but rose up to save the very ones who’d betrayed him.
What is Your Favorite Bible Verse:  The very profound and simple message of Jesus in a nutshell -  John 3:16. For God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
What is Your Favorite Hymn:  I have so many, depending on the circumstance, but Amazing Grace and Beulah Land stand out this morning.
What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have:    My late son's wife and kids, Missy, Lexi, and Kade as they adjust to this new season in their lives.


  1. It's nice getting to know you, Linda. Praying for you, as well as your son's family.

  2. Linda, I really enjoy Kristen's books too.
    I'll be praying for you all as well. I hope to see you this summer.

  3. Oh, yum! Fried okra. Now I'm going to have to go to the store and get some.

    And Linda, I totally cracked up when you said monetarily there were many books you wish you'd written! Had me laughing. =)

    It was great getting to know you better, and your family is in my prayers.

  4. Hi Linda - so great to learn more about you. Those two hymns you mentioned happen to have special meaning for me as well. Amazing Grace was played at my wedding and Beulah Land is my husband's favorite hymn.

  5. Hi, Linda! I remember the first time I heard your name. It was called at the 2008 Romance Writers of America® Awards Banquet when you won the RITA in the Inspirational category. I clapped so enthusiastically my palms stung.

    I, too, like water, nice and cold. I often add a squirt of lime juice. So refreshing.

  6. Lovely to get to know you better, Linda. Praying for your daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

  7. Linda, what fun photos! Thanks for sharing about you.

  8. I'm a day late but loved your interview, Linda. And fried okra---YUM!! :)

    Continued prayers for your son's family and all of you. May you feel God's comfort and peace in all the coming days.
    Hugs, Patti Jo
    p.s. Met you at ACFW in 2011 (?) in the ladies restroom, LOL. I liked you right away, because you were SO sweet!

  9. Linda, I don't have just one favorite hymn either.

  10. I remember reading On Mystic Lake. And then being annoyed with the way it ended. ;)

    So good to learn more about you, Linda. Prayers continue for you and your son's family.

  11. Oh goodness, I am so sorry for being late to this party! I don't know where my head is. It's awesome to be featured and fun to read your comments. Luv you all!


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