Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Sisterhood with Winnie Griggs

Family Status: Married with 4 grown children

What Is Your Favorite Beverage: Hot spiced cinnamon tea with honey.  It not only has that comforting feel I always get from tea, but it has a little kick as well.

What Is Your Favorite Food: My momma's crawfish stew - nothing like it!

What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time: Read, of course!

Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mother.  She's not only been a great role model in the way she's lived her own life, but she always encouraged her kids to follow their dreams, not matter how 'out there' they were.
First Book You Fell in Love With: Trixie Belden: The Secret Of The Mansion
A Book You Wish You’d Written: Simple Jess by Pamela Morsi
First Book Published:What Matters Most (published by Leisure Books) 
Most Recent Book: Lone Star Heiress (Love Inspired Historical June 2014) 
Out Next: Her Holiday Family (Love Inspired Historical, Nov 2014)
How Many Have You Written: Her Holiday Family will be number 17
What Do You Know Now That You Wish You’d Known Then: That it doesn't get any easier with subsequent books.  Pouring your heart onto a page is always hard work, but it's totally worth it.
What is Your Favorite Bible Story: The story of Ruth.
What is Your Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".  It is such a comforting, hopeful promise.
What is Your Favorite Hymn: It Is Well With My Soul.  Not only is it a beautiful hymn in and of itself, but the story behind it always touches something deep inside me. 
What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have: I always appreciate prayers on my children's behalf.


  1. Great to get to know you a little better, Winnie. I'm not sure whether to be encouraged or discouraged that after 17 books, it's still hard work. ;)

  2. What? It doesn't get any easier? That's is so not fair. ;)

    I love the story of Ruth, too. Have you ever written a book with Ruth as your inspiration?

  3. Sandra and Mindy - LOL, maybe it's just me.

    And Mindy, I've never consciously used the story of Ruth for book inspiration but I think one day I might...

  4. Hello to one of my favorite people on the planet. Winnie, you are such a good friend and we have laughed and cried together. I'm so glad to know you. Your books are amazing and you are a fun traveling partner, too. Your Cajun food is marvelous, too. I'm blessed to have you in my life :)

  5. Winnie, great interview! I think that's the first pic I've seen of you with your hubby and you're darling together! Such a cute couple!

  6. I should've never read this interview ... now I am craving crawfish stew! Well, it was a nice interview ANYWAY!!!!!

  7. Lenora, oh you're gonna make me tear up. And you know the feeling is totally mutual!

    Danica - thanks! I think my own Prince Charming is the best hubby in the world!

  8. Hey Tammy! Thanks for dropping by. And you KNOW you're likely to get some of Momma's crawfish stew before I will :)

  9. I enjoyed getting to know more about you, Winnie. Meeting you at ACFW back in 2012 was a delight. I had read Handpicked Husband during my flight to the conference. When I turned around at the Love Inspired spotlight and saw you, the author of the book I'd just enjoyed, I squealed in total fan-girl style. You were so nice about my embarrassing display and just smiled.

  10. Keli, I remember our 'first meet' quite well! It was fun and one of my favorite memories from that conference.

  11. Winnie, it's great to learn a little more about you. That crawfish stew sounds yummy! I love your favorite hymn also. The words and the music resonate and uplift.

  12. Hi Christine! And yes, mom's crawfish stew is most definitely yummy!

  13. So good to get you know you better Winnie!

  14. Great interview, Winnie. And you are so right, it doesn't get easier with each book, but desire to write your story doesn't fade.

  15. This is a fun way to get to know writers. Many of your favorites are the same as mine.

  16. Loved getting to know more about you, Winnie!
    And Hot Spiced Cinnamon is my favorite tea, too. Love the flavor of it!

  17. Winnie,
    Sorry to come late to the party. I was camping with my son. You are an awesome lady and I always love spending time with you :)



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