Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Terri Reed here.  Recently a friend gifted me with a little pink leather bound copy of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  This daily devotional has been so encouraging and uplifting.  Though nothing can compare to reading the Bible, the daily devotions have spoken into my life as if Jesus were talking directly to me in simple, understandable and related ways.  I like that at the end of each devotion the author provides scripture to support the devotions premises.  The past few days have been about trusting Him through my circumstances.  A repeated theme in my life.  I know, I KNOW, to trust Jesus regardless of what I'm facing. I know He is working in my life for my good.  But why in the middle of a hardship do I doubt and flounder as if He isn't here? Am I the only one?

The theme of trusting God despite the troubles we face is 
a reoccurring theme throughout most of my novels. 
 In Undercover Marriage both Serena and Josh have trouble trusting each other and trusting God. 

 You can still pick up a copy of book six of the Witness Protection continuity series at a store near you or at   


  1. Hi Terri. I have been looking for a new devotional lately and this sounds like one that would speak to me - I'll have to check it out.

  2. Terri, I found Sarah's JESUS CALLING a number of years ago and have given it to many friends. They always say it speaks to their heart...which is how I feel as well.

    Did you read the forward?

  3. Jesus Calling has been my favorite daily devotional for years. I find it especially good in times of crisis, but it never fails to speak to me even on the calmest of days. I've given several copies to friends.

  4. This sounds like a devotional I will need to check into. Thank you for bringing it to my notice.

  5. So glad to hear so many others are finding this a book worth reading.
    Debby, I don't think I read the forward. I'll do that tonight.

  6. Hi Terri I am using Jesus Calling this year thanks to Debby and finding it very helpful. Its actually helpful right now while I am facing Health issues I need to learn to live with. I know she has another one out also which one of the men at church often uses for his communion talks. Think its Jesus Lives or something similar.

  7. It's a great book! And I've heard so many people who have been touched by it.

  8. I agree, Terri. Reading the Bible is our best guide, but after that is my copy of JESUS CALLING - - I LOVE how those devotionals have ministered to me so many times.

    Sweet Debby Giusti gave me a copy, and I immediately was so touched by those messages, so I've since given copies to many friends/family members. I hope and pray that the book will also touch their lives (well, actually I know it already has, because some of them have let me know!).

    Thanks for sharing today.
    Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  9. Waving to Jenny and Patti Jo!

    I love how people keep spreading the good news about JESUS CALLING, which you've done on this blog, Terri.

    Those who find value in the book want others to experience what they've found to be so inspiring in this little devotional.

  10. I have to give a shout out for Jesus Calling, it. I read the Bible and other devos, but this one is short, and I can remember it all is just so inspiring!

  11. That definitely sounds like a devotional I need to check into :) Thank you for sharing.


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