Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lessons from Dad

Christine Johnson here today. As Father’s Day approaches, my thoughts turn to my Dad. I’m blessed that he is still around and able to give me advice. He has always been a great role model with his strong work ethic, honesty and willingness to try what others would dismiss as too difficult. For instance, he began racing vintage cars when he was in his 70s. That’s him buckling into his race car.

race car

Lately my Heavenly Father has been showing me that I have been limiting things unnecessarily. I thought a tight writing deadline could never be met. He showed me that with Him all things are possible. (paraphrased from Matthew 19:26) I didn’t think I could step into a helicopter even though my husband desperately wanted to go on the tour. God nudged me to do it. What a wonderful experience. My jaw literally dropped wide at the beauty of His creation from above. 

view from helicopter

Some of the many lessons learned:
-          Don’t listen to naysayers (including that voice in my head)
-          Take a chance
-          Step out in faith
-          Love those God places in your life
-          Greet each day with a smile

I am blessed to have such great fatherly examples. What has the father figure in your life taught you?

Groom by Design

In July’s Groom by Design, the first book in The Dressmaker’s Daughters series, three sisters are worried about their father’s failing health and the family’s floundering dress shop. They decide to take matters into their own hands by propelling one of them into marriage with a well-to-do gentleman who can rescue the family business and get their father the life-saving treatment he needs. First up is Ruth, the oldest and shyest sister, who for some reason has drawn the attention of the handsome—and clearly well-off—new man in town.

Christine Johnson
Groom by Design – LIH, July 2014
Suitor by Design – LIH, October 2014
Twitter handle: ChristineJWrite


  1. Christine, what a sweet tribute to your father!

    My father overcame terrible childhood situations and poverty to work hard and be a success. He taught me I could do anything I set my mind to.

  2. The book sounds wonderful, Christine. Your father sounds like a wonderful man. My dad died in 2000. I find myself talking to him, wishing he was still here. But when I remember his wonderful laugh, I smile.

  3. Missy, what a great example your father set for you and a wonderful lesson to pass on to everyone who knew him. My father-in-law is a bit like that, rising from nothing to success. Such an inspiration!

  4. Leann, your father left you a great legacy with that memorable laugh. He passed along lasting joy. It doesn't get much better than that!

  5. Christine, I'm so glad your dad is still with you. My dad died from a heart attack much too young at age 58. He was a man who never seemed to know a stranger, and he had the courage to step out and start something new. He built the house we lived in when I was a little girl and remodeled several others. He seemed like a giant of a man when I was a kid even though he was only 5'7". I see some of his effervescent personality in my younger daughter. One of my favorite memories was standing on his toes while he danced me around the room. I still miss him so many years later.

  6. Christine, it sounds like your dad is a staunch supporter and source of wise counsel. I'm glad you have him in your life.

    I lost my dad this past December. I learned many things from him, but one lesson he probably didn't realize he taught my siblings and me is that dreaming dreams isn't enough. One has to take action to make them happen.

    Dad was an avid dreamer, but he died having not realized many of his dreams. I feel sad for his sake because I think he could have been happier had he taken steps to make his dreams a reality. However, his overriding dream was to be a loving father--and he succeeded at that.

    I miss my dad and know Sunday could be a tough day for me. I'll be sure to have tissues handy.

  7. Merrillee, your dad sounds wonderful. I can picture you dancing with him when you were little. Yes, 58 is much too young.

  8. Keli, big ((hugs)) on Father's Day. You all are making me teary-eyed! What a great lesson to teach you, and yet you dad succeeded at the very important goal of being a loving father. You can't top that!

  9. My dad died in 2001. Nine months before his first grandson was born. ARG.

    Like Missy, my dad had a rough childhood. He quit school in 6th grade to find work and help support the family. There was lots of love, but oh they were poor.

  10. Pamela, men like your father were in my mind true heroes. They put family first. No doubt many gave up personal dreams to support those they loved. We owe them a debt of gratitude.

  11. Wonderful post, Christine - - and such a sweet tribute to your Dad. What a blessing you still have him here on earth!

    My Daddy had a rough childhood too, and worked very hard to put himself through Georgia Tech (How I wish he had lived to see 2 of my kiddos at GT now---he'd be SO proud). He taught my sisters and me to work hard and never give up. And because Daddy had the kind of childhood he did, he wanted to ensure that his children always felt LOVED--which we did! He joined Mama in Heaven in 2007, and I speak to them in my heart every day.
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  12. Patti Jo, your story of your mama and daddy is so sweet. It just brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing.

  13. I love the point of not limiting yourself. It's a good reminder to keep our hearts open to possibilities.

  14. I love the point of not limiting yourself. It's a good reminder to keep our hearts open to possibilities.


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