Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Sisterhood with Terri Reed

Family Status: Married with two kids (21 and 17)
          What Is Your Favorite Beverage: Izzy's Tangerine 
What Is Your Favorite Food: Pizza-Marguarita style
What Is Your Favorite Thing to do During Free Time: hang out with my kids
Who Has Been the Most Influential Person in Your Life: Hmmm, that's a tough question. There have been so many influential people over the years.  The person that started me down the road of writing toward publication was my creative writing college professor who told me I should be writing for Harlequin.  I was twenty, and though I'd heard of Harlequin, I thought he was nuts.  Me a writer?  I never forgot his words and when I decided that I did want to become a writer I sought publication with Harlequin.  
First Book You Fell in Love With:The first book I remember falling in love with is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens.
A Book You Wish You’d Written: Les Miserable by Victor Hugo
First Book Published: Perfect Love, a novella published by Barbour Publishing,  Love Comes Home my first full length Love Inspired
Most Recent Book:Undercover Marriage, book six in the Witness Protection continuity series
Out Next: Danger at the Border, book one of my own series titled Northern Border Patrol
How Many Have You Written: 31 
What Do You Know Now That You Wish You’d Known Then: That writing the book is only half of the job.  
What is Your Favorite Bible Story:The story of Esther
What is Your Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs  3:5-6
What is Your Favorite Hymn: Amazing Grace 
What is an Ongoing Prayer Request You Have: That God would bless my writing and be a blessing to Him


  1. Hi Terri, it's great to meet you. I love that your college professor saw that your writing was a perfect fit for Harlequin. I can't imagine any of my college creative writing instructors telling me that. I don't recall them ever mentioning specific publishers, in fact.
    Congratulations on the 31 books!

  2. So cool to to learn more about you!

    I echo what Christine said! I can't imagine any of my college profs saying Harlequin was a good fit. I'm so glad yours was open to romance!

  3. Hi Terri!
    So fun to learn about your journey and to know you better now.

  4. Love knowing more about my fellow writers. And I agree with Christine, I am amazed your college professor recommended Harlequin. Of course I hear that Joyce Carol Owns wrote for HQ under a pseudonym. But is good to know.

  5. Terri,
    As always, you amaze me. I loved the interview and getting to know you a little more :)

  6. Hi Terri! It's great to get to know more about you and your writing journey! Great interview!

  7. Hi, Terri! Great to learn more about you.

  8. Margarita pizza??? Tell me about this!!

  9. Hi, Terri. We have a couple of things in common. I love Dickens, and I've actually read the entire Les Miserables. What an awesome story.

  10. Hi, Terri. We have a couple of things in common. I love Dickens, and I've actually read the entire Les Miserables. What an awesome story.

  11. Thank you ladies for stopping by. As you can imagine I wrote romances for all my creative assignments. Professor McBride was very encouraging. I wish I'd listened then. But God knew when the time was right.

  12. Deb, the pizza has an olive oil and garlic base topped with mozzarella, sliced tomatoes and basil. Very simple and so tasty.

  13. Terri, I love what you know now and wish you'd known then. :) so true!

  14. Considering today's publishing scene, writing is probably only 1/4 the job.☺️ It was great learning more about you.

  15. I have worked with Terri on Love Inspired Suspense continuity and she is such a good writer and a joy to work with. Thanks for sharing about yourself.


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