Thursday, June 11, 2015

Audio Books, Anyone?

What do think of audio books?  I just got word that THE MEMORY HOUSE,  which is still available,  will not only be released next spring in mass market paperback form, but it will also be made into an audio book. In times past an audiobook was called books on tape and was mostly used by the visually impaired and primarily purchased by libraries. Most books were never transferred to that form. But as you know, times have changed,  the digital revolution has occurred, and, along with ebooks, more and more books are being made into audio files.  So it was pretty exciting to learn  that THE MEMORY HOUSE will be an audiobook.

 Then I woke up and realized I have never listened to an audiobook.  Even though I have the Bible on tape, CD and on my iPad, I  rarely access it through that venue.  This begs the question, how many of you have ever actually listened to an audiobook, particularly a fiction audiobook?  If you have, when and where do you prefer to listen?    If you haven't ever owned an audiobook, does the idea interest you at all? Do you think you would ever buy one? Tell me what you think.


  1. Congratulations, Linda! I have listened to audiobooks during a workout on the treadmill and on long drives. It can make the time fly.

  2. I probably do 2-3 a month as I drive back and forth to work (about an hour spent driving just to work each week day) Right now I'm listening to a YA. Just finished the Book of Life. Then off to the library to check out another.

  3. I guess I've led a sheltered life, LOL - - because I've never listened to an audiobook. But I think they're a great idea, and one of these days I'm sure I'll try one. I purchased your book THE MEMORY HOUSE a while back and it is NEXT on my to-be-read stack! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  4. CatMom -- I've never listened to an audiobook, either. But I've bought them for my very dyslexic granddaughter. They've been a God-send for her studies and made her as avid a reader as the rest of the family.


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