Thursday, June 22, 2017

He was determined not to have a girlfriend. But a wife on the other hand…

Maggie K. Black here! It’s my very first blog post and I’m remembering a fierce battle of wills I witnessed twenty years ago.

I’d never seen a young man teased so badly! Or handle it so calmly. I was twenty-one and I’d gone to a comedy club with a large group of fellow students. For some reason, the terrible stand up comedian decided to pick on the rather dashing and clean cut young man named Michael at the far end of our table.

Poor Michael. No matter how hard he tried not to get lured into a fight, the comedian goaded him, relentlessly, about the fact he went to church, was involved in politics and wanted to become a teacher. Time and again, the room would hold its breath waiting to see what jab would make Michael lose his temper. But instead he held his cool. And even though some of his views were very different from mine, I respected the way he handled himself with strength and respect. It even captured my heart.

At least, until the comedian asked him the fateful question, “Michael, do you have a girlfriend?”

“No Sir,” Michael replied. “And I’m not looking for one.”

My heart sank. Mutual friends introduced us after the show and we started talking. 

“I don’t want a girlfriend,” he said to me, earnestly, his green eyes wide. “I really mean it.”

But that was okay. We could be friends. We went to a movie a few days later and then I invited him over for dinner. He was fascinating, funny and kind, with the wonderful ability to discuss interesting topics while respecting the fact we didn’t always agree. I seem to remember our biggest fight was over the fact I wanted dogs and he didn’t.

Three months later, to my total shock, he proposed.

“I still don’t want a girlfriend,” he said. “But I want you as my wife.”

I told him to wait six months and ask me again. Which he did and I said yes! 

It definitely confused some people that we got married so young and so quickly. But, after almost twenty years together, I’m so very thankful for all the adventures we’ve been able to share. 

Now, he proofreads all my Love Inspired Suspense books, and says that when my heroes and heroines spar and argue in the face of danger it reminds him of us!

He’s been the perfect, steadfast hero for me to face down each challenge and battle that life threw our way. And while we each won and lost our fair share of disagreements, I did finally get my dogs.

Do you agree that opposites attract? Do you like the kind of book where the hero and heroine who have major differences, but love brings them together?


  1. Ah, what a fun and interesting way to meet your spouse. I love your wedding dress. And the cover to your back is just fabulous. And your dogs are so cute. And your husband. LOL great post Maggie thank you for sharing.

  2. Adorable story, Maggie! Your guy sounds really special! (I'm glad you got your dogs, too!)

  3. Thank you Terri and Myra! I had him read the story over before I posted it. He did Not think the story of him being picked on by a bad stand up comedian is romantic at all! But, I was impressed to see how he stood up under pressure. Both of my little writing dogs are rescues. They spend a lot of time trying to sit on me while I write.

  4. Maggie, what a great story. You were attracted to him right off, but obviously, he felt the same way about you. I certainly do believe that opposites attract...and balance each other out. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks! I was definitely attracted right away. I think he was just too stubborn to admit at first that he was attracted too. ;)

  5. I love this! It reminds me a little of the last scene in The Proposal - Will you marry me because I want to date you. LOL What a great story.

    1. I love that scene!! Yeah, he definitely didn't want to waste time dating. He wanted to get on with living life. We went travelling overseas soon afterwards.

  6. Thanks for sharing this story! Excellent plot, loved the characters!
    The bit about it being true is a nice bonus too ;)

  7. So very sweet. Hmm. Sounds like a romance novel.

    1. Thanks! I'm not sure how romantic it is. But it is true. :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oops, mistakingly deleted my last comment. Thanks everyone! When I told him that the ladies of Love Inspired were telling the stories of how we met our spouses, he was very skeptical that I'd find anything romantic to say about the night we met. I don't think he realizes how attractive a man is who's able to both strongly hold his ground and do so in a respectful way. He had an Air Cadet haircut at the time, and definitely the bearing of a hero. Also while he likes to pretend he doesn't like the dogs, he's really a big softie and loves them every bit as much as I do.

  10. I love this story--how great that you got such a neat snapshot of his character right off the bat! No wonder you fell for him!

  11. What a great "how we met" story, Maggie! My DH and I are very opposite in a lot of ways but luckily, he's as much of an animal lover as I am and has brought home more strays over the years than I as well. Love the cover of your July LIS and can't wait to read it.

  12. What a wonderful story. My husband and I are total opposites. We met when we were 13/14 and got married 4 years later and have been married 33 years.

  13. Yes as u put it differing opinions but respect each other at same time

  14. Maggie, I loved this. My heart melted at the line, "I still don't want a girlfriend. But I want you for my wife."

    What a great story!

  15. What an awesome story! I love it!

  16. Maggie! I somehow missed this because you posted it just as school was ending, but OH MY, I love this story so much. Thanks for sharing it. You really made my day.


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