Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lyn Cote here--short and sweet!

Lyn Cote here--spent last week sorting and discarding STUFF. Most of it was from 4 boxes left from my mom's estate and one from an aunt in El Paso, TX. I got it done, but now need to deal with burning all the paper (we are allowed up here in the woods to burn stuff). And I'm waiting for my dh to finish putting shelves in a closet in my office where I can store all the mementos till I have time to organize them more.

What's holding you all back from sorting??? Cleaning out?? Or have you surpassed me??


  1. I have to laugh. My husband's had a week off. He's spent the entire time in his office going through the mounds of paper he's collected. At one point I heard him muttering because he'd jammed the shredder. His big find? A birthday check from three years ago.

  2. Sorting stuff----YIKES---my mother died in 1996 and so much of her stuff (some she had not sorted after my father died in 1989)ended up in one of my spare bedrooms because none of us (there are three kids) could spend the time to go through everything and I was the only one living in town. Guess what~~~most of it is still sitting there!!!!! Every once in a while I'll pick up a box and go through it but most of the time I keep the door shut so I don't have to think about it. Wonder if there is any money in the stuff??????

  3. Maybe there is money Ellen!
    That might be a motivator!

  4. I did most of that last year before moving here.
    Going through mums stuff and the things she hoarded. Shes in the nursing home now and is hording the serviettes for tissues (she gets a clean one every meal plus they have them in her room so she doesn't need to do it) but she cant stop herself.
    I do still have some of her stuff here but not to much now. I moved from a 3 bedroom house (with a shed full of stuff) to a well it is 3 bedrooms but 2 have the owners stuff. So I knew I would only have one bedroom and not much room in the shed or garage here cos they were full too.
    I got rid of lots of furniture and other items. (still have the spare bed at a friends place) I will get the second bedroom about March.


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